The company NovaKoasin shall provide the Fortaleza Prefecture all passwords, software and equipment specific to the configuration of the traffic signal controllers in real time. The decision was signed by Judge Ana Sousa Cleyde of Viana, the 14th Court of the Treasury, on Thursday, 26, and released yesterday. The purpose of the injunction is to prevent the occurrence of the suspension of service, considered essential to the flow of traffic in the capital.
According to the decision, the company must comply with the decision within a maximum of 48 hours. Otherwise, it will be posted daily fine of thousand dollars. The reasons for the decision is supported by the Procurement Law, Article 111, which states that it is “particularly the duty to provide all data, documents and pieces of information when the government acquires computer or specialized software programs.” Also according to the determination, and refuse to deliver the data, the company abandoned the traffic light maintenance service on the last day 11.
According to Arcelino Lima, director of the Transit Authority Municipal Transit, Public Services and Citizenship (AMC), problems were reported in 30 road signs in the Capital. Until yesterday, seven traffic lights still had defect. “We have 60% of the network of interconnected traffic lights with our Operations Center in Melo Borges Avenue. We believe that now, with the injunction, the company will comply with the determination, “said the director.
The equipment, according to Lima, were purchased by the city in 2000. In 2011, they suffered software update of the traffic signal controller configuration and it was precisely this update that allowed the company to have access to the equipment of the password change. “Besides being an essential service, the equipment is in possession of City Hall,” he said Lima. Also according to the director of Traffic, with the return of the material will be possible to complete the maintenance throughout the network. But he gave no deadlines for when the traffic light system must be standardized.
The contract with the company was terminated and NovaKoasin an emergency procurement is being completed. By the end of March, will also be published benchmark for rebidding. In yesterday’s edition of the People, the director of NovaKoasin, Valdir Roberto, said the software returned to City Hall in July 2011 and that there is a £ 9 million debt.
THE PEOPLE tried to contact the company Novakoasin from 18:30 yesterday, but the phone was not answered.
Yesterday, virtually all traffic signal network Fortaleza was operating normally. The number of devices with problems has fallen progressively.
Of the 705 traffic lights that exist in the city, only seven (about 1%) have some kind of failure. . Agents and advisors of Via Free operate those most affected crossings
The traffic lights that, until yesterday, still presenting defects were:
1. Pedro Pereira street with street Sena Madureira (light off);
2. Pedro Pereira street with street Solon Pinheiro (light off);
3. Osorio de Paiva Avenue with street Julio Braga (off light);
4. Silas Munguba avenue with street Julio Braga (light off);
5. Avenue Osório de Oliveira Paiva with Perdigao street (off light);
6. street Demetrius de Menezes with Terminal Antonio Bezerra (light off);
7. avenue President Costa e Silva (yellow flashing).