Recent, Apple users were attacked content stored on iCloud, storage service Cloud Apple. To try to prevent a recurrence, the creator of iPhones asked its customers ativassem verification in two stages. Now, however, a software showed that even this measure is as safe as well.
The program in question is called Password Breaker , and is developed by the Russian company Elcomsoft . With its latest update, the application allows the verification is circumvented in two stages iCloud. With this new version, the Breaker won compatibility with iOS 8.1, allowing theft of all this information in the storage cloud service from Apple.
As we said, Apple created in July the verification scheme in two stages to iCloud. The measure is popular with the recent invasion and capture data from various Hollywood celebrities. Most of the stolen items were cloud intimate nature photos taken with the iPhone.
A hacker could enter the accounts that had not checking in two stages. Soon after , stole the backup of intimate photos and published them on the internet. The case brought enough controversy to the world of Apple. So much so that Apple went on to advise everyone that carried out the process of double identity verification.
With this tool enabled, every time the user logs in your Apple ID on a new device, a message is sent. ICloud will only become available when the individual enter the sequence sent. This prevents outsiders will be able to access that account. Everything, however, seems to have changed with the latest update to Password Breaker.
The application actually uses a very simple trick to break into the user account. The Breaker creates a digital token that grants permanent access without having to spend a second authentication step. Thus, the attacker can access all content stored in the user account , selecting quietly those who want to download.
Of course, an attacker would first need to have your username and password to get penetrate your account. It turns out that the two-step verification serves precisely to avoid this. With this tool iCloud, even if the hacker has your username and password, he would not be able to invade because of the double identity verification of Apple. The Russian software, however, has virtually useless this last measure of security.
And the software’s reach does not stop there. With other company’s program, the iPhone Breaker , even you can access third-party applications installed on the smartphone from Apple. You can even steal data that is stored in WhatsApp.
According to Elcomsoft, the software is only military use so that governments can spy devices of certain targets . Nothing prevents, however, that leak into the black market, Apple’s efforts in making useless secure your iCloud.
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