Saturday, December 13, 2014

TEC prohibits SAD hiring pension management software – Media News

The State Court of Auditors (ECA) has approved an interim that suspended a Department of face Trade State Administration (SAD) to hire a company specializing in information technology for computerized acquisition system pension management. The decision was taken unanimously on Thursday (11) during the last session of the year held by the Court. The complaint was made by Abacus Information Technology Ltda pointing out that the state was going to hire a software that it already has available and uses free and unlimited.

The opening of the envelopes face trading session number 102 2014 was due to the November 28, the day on which the rapporteur granted the injunction. In the complaint the company joined documents proving that the state alr eady has the right to unlimited use and source code for a called Sisprev system that meets all the requirements contemplated in the terms of reference that norteiava trading. Joined documents proving that the system is already in use and it was a Brazilian Association donation of State and Municipal Pension Institutions (Abipem) made to the State through the Secretariat of State Administration.

The prosecution of Accounts manifested by the approval of certain injunctive relief on an urgent basis by the rapporteur, the counselor José Carlos Novelli on 28 November this year. The Court of attorney William Arruda Novelli congratulated by the decision which he said prevented an illegitimate spent by the state, given that the SAD would make the acquisition of a software (computer system) that the very SAD had already received free to use the source code and unlimited use for service.

During the session, the vote of the rapporteur was read by the substitute member Izaías Lopes da Cunha. It was noted that the nullity of the bid reflected on the subsequent actions to it, ie any continuity of the event as contract signing or payment authorization are null.

For the CST, if the bid was carried forward could result in losses to the public. “In situations such as that depicted, understand that new acquisitions must be adequately motivated and justified by the Administration, otherwise remains characterized wasteful spending. Examination of the attached documentation in the file, especially the copy of the attendance trading announcement and its terms of reference, do not have information able to justify any expenditure on the purchase of new pension management software, “says the rapporteur vote of words” that was complied unanimously by the other board members.

With the interim, has now been approved by TEC Full, notification was issued to the secretary of the SAD, Peter Elias, to suspend all actions related to trading including the execution contracts and making payments. It should also refrain from authorizing the minutes adhesions price records arising therefrom under penalty of restitution to the Treasury, with its own resources, the amounts paid from the science of decision. The rapporteur asked priority in the procedure.


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