Tuesday, December 29, 2015

28 software companies file a complaint against the Order of … – SAPO Tek

There are 28 software companies that filed a lawsuit against the Order of Accountants Certificates. The complaint was lodged at the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Aveiro and is related to the sale of two programs by the OCC to professional accountants.

The complainants allege that the Order does not can realize these sales because they equate to “commercial transactions”, a practice that is forbidden to the OCC. The nearly three dozen software companies still say the sale made by the Order of Accountants calls into question the rules of competition, as writes the Lusa.

Through this practice, the software houses ask for a compensation of EUR 11.75 million for the economic damage as well as damage the image and reputation of the company.

For as account executive chairman of Primavera BSS, Joseph Dionysius the agency: “In order meetings, accountants are advised to buy the software OCC and to even say that is the only certificate, which is not true. “

President of the Association of Accountants denies the charges. “We are not to commit an act of trade, we are supporting the professionals of the Order with new tools that can help them fulfill their mission”, he said.

Domingues Azevedo also states that because the sale is solely to accounting professionals and not the general public, which is why not enough to be concerned the “Trade Act” which is the basis of the argument for the prosecution.


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