Saturday, February 28, 2015

Injunction sends firm provides traffic light Prefecture software – The Online PEOPLE

The company NovaKoasin shall provide the Fortaleza Prefecture all passwords, software and equipment specific to the configuration of the traffic signal controllers in real time. The decision was signed by Judge Ana Sousa Cleyde of Viana, the 14th Court of the Treasury, on Thursday, 26, and released yesterday. The purpose of the injunction is to prevent the occurrence of the suspension of service, considered essential to the flow of traffic in the capital.

According to the decision, the company must comply with the decision within a maximum of 48 hours. Otherwise, it will be posted daily fine of thousand dollars. The reasons for the decision is supported by the Procurement Law, Article 111, which states that it is “particularly the duty to provide all data, documents and pieces of information when the government acquires computer or specialized software programs.” Also according to the determination, and refuse to deliver the data, the company abandoned the traffic light maintenance service on the last day 11.

According to Arcelino Lima, director of the Transit Authority Municipal Transit, Public Services and Citizenship (AMC), problems were reported in 30 road signs in the Capital. Until yesterday, seven traffic lights still had defect. “We have 60% of the network of interconnected traffic lights with our Operations Center in Melo Borges Avenue. We believe that now, with the injunction, the company will comply with the determination, “said the director.

The equipment, according to Lima, were purchased by the city in 2000. In 2011, they suffered software update of the traffic signal controller configuration and it was precisely this update that allowed the company to have access to the equipment of the password change. “Besides being an essential service, the equipment is in possession of City Hall,” he said Lima. Also according to the director of Traffic, with the return of the material will be possible to complete the maintenance throughout the network. But he gave no deadlines for when the traffic light system must be standardized.

The contract with the company was terminated and NovaKoasin an emergency procurement is being completed. By the end of March, will also be published benchmark for rebidding. In yesterday’s edition of the People, the director of NovaKoasin, Valdir Roberto, said the software returned to City Hall in July 2011 and that there is a £ 9 million debt.

THE PEOPLE tried to contact the company Novakoasin from 18:30 yesterday, but the phone was not answered.



Yesterday, virtually all traffic signal network Fortaleza was operating normally. The number of devices with problems has fallen progressively.

Of the 705 traffic lights that exist in the city, only seven (about 1%) have some kind of failure. . Agents and advisors of Via Free operate those most affected crossings

The traffic lights that, until yesterday, still presenting defects were:

1. Pedro Pereira street with street Sena Madureira (light off);

2. Pedro Pereira street with street Solon Pinheiro (light off);

3. Osorio de Paiva Avenue with street Julio Braga (off light);

4. Silas Munguba avenue with street Julio Braga (light off);

5. Avenue Osório de Oliveira Paiva with Perdigao street (off light);

6. street Demetrius de Menezes with Terminal Antonio Bezerra (light off);

7. avenue President Costa e Silva (yellow flashing).


Friday, February 27, 2015

Google Chrome will warn users of websites with … –


The Google still very determined to control, block and manage all that is malicious or insulting content that affects users when they access a website or blog. After the recent announcement of content blocking for adults of your blogger tool, Google offers a new feature in your browser, alert messages for the presence of malware.

This new feature reinforces the focus on security in browse the Internet and adds another level of alert, since currently have Chrome users are informed when they download software that is potentially dangerous. The user plays the alert is the following:


In other action, Google announced that will automatically block advertisements that lead users to dangerous websites and will list the results of the research itself this same warning.

From the user’s point of view, this type of measures adopted by Google will allow a more navigation safe, reduce the risk of spreading viruses and malware installation on our computer and mobile device without any authorization or control.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

“Software has not been delivered,” says RC crash on the lights … – The Online PEOPLE

Updated at 19:31

Mayor Roberto Claudio (Pros) commented on the problems in lights Fortaleza on the morning of Thursday, 26. During the signing of the order of service of the host units for alcohol and drug users, he said that the devices will sabotage complaint investigated.

& gt; & gt; Councilman proposes CPI of Traffic

“The City Council does not fully recognize the company’s debt, but the next day we can count on the DMV for the maintenance of the equipment,” he argued. According to RC, the software of the equipment was purchased from third party last year, but was not delivered. Watch the video:

The company refutes the mayor’s statement. Director New Koasin, Valdir Roberto, told PEOPLE that the software was delivered to Fortaleza City Hall with copies of user manuals. He added that the debt Hall is in the order of £ 9 million – relating to months of the years 2013 and 2014.

The director also said that the company provides this service for 14 years and through the municipality. According Valdir Roberto, New Koasin informed management that would stop the service, met with members of the AMC, secretaries and other managers and presented all sheets on the situation.

According to the Local Authority Municipal Transit, Public Services and Citizenship (AMC), the problem persists because the third party responsible for maintenance, the New Koasin, abandoned “irresponsibly” the service. The director of New Koasin, Valdir Roberto said that the services were suspended due to delays in payments for a few months of 2013, 2014 and January 2015.

The source of the problems at the lights of Fortaleza will be investigated by the Ministry of State of Ceará (MP). A new emergency procurement should be launched by the end of this week, as reported by the AMC. The body terminated contract with New Koasin claiming abandonment of service. For now, agents and advisors of Via Free operate manually at some intersections.

Writing PEOPLE Online


” Company did not deliver software ”, says Roberto Claudio crash on … – The Online PEOPLE

Mayor Roberto Claudio (Pros) spoke about the problems in lights Fortaleza on the morning of Thursday, 26. During the signing of the order of service of the host units for alcohol and drug users, he said that the devices sabotage complaint will be investigated.

“The City Council does not fully recognize the company’s debt, but the next day we can count on the DMV for the maintenance of the equipment” defended. According to RC, the software of the equipment was purchased from third party New Koasin last year, but was not delivered. Watch the video:

THE PEOPLE searched the company’s management to review the statements of the mayor, but to date the links were missed.

According to the Local Authority Municipal Transit, Public Services and Citizenship (AMC), the problem persists because the third party responsible for maintenance, the New Koasin, abandoned “irresponsibly” the service. The director of New Koasin, Valdir Roberto said that the services were suspended due to delays in payments for a few months of 2013, 2014 and January 2015.

The source of the problems at the lights of Fortaleza will be investigated by the Ministry of State of Ceará (MP). A new emergency procurement should be launched by the end of this week, as reported by the AMC. The body terminated contract with New Koasin claiming abandonment of service. For now, agents and advisors of Via Free operate manually at some intersections.

Writing PEOPLE Online


Integration projects boost business in … Magic Software – Tech & Net


The project systems integration and business process have been receiving great impetus to the growth of adoption of cloud computing in Brazil and the use of vertical solutions, leading companies to seek solutions that facilitate real-time communication between business applications. IT resources are increasingly interconnected and the demand for applications that facilitate interaction accompanies this pace. Magic Software Brazil has benefited from this movement. The company ended the year 2014 with 15% growth in the number of delivered projects and expects to reach the end of 2015 with a 20% growth over the previous year.

To meet the market the company has with a network of partners dedicated to providing vertical solutions and management, most of the partners act in large ecosystems such as Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, CIGAM, Senior, Mega, Benner and Totvs.É giving focus on these partnerships Magic Software strengthens your key supplier status in application integration market.

Rodney Repullo, CEO, comments that the company’s business tend to keep growing due to the use of applications in Cloud and enterprise mobility. “A great number of applications being used by companies in different types of tasks and on the list are the CRM and ERP systems. Many experts applications such as Manufacturing Activity Management, Transport, eCommerce, among others, need to communicate with these systems and the integration becomes a priority and vital for business. It is this market that we put our sales efforts “, says the Executive

The executive adds other applications which are being formed among the priorities of IT executives:. Manufacturing, transport and logistics, Note Fiscal Electronics, e-Social, vehicle tracking, risk management, among others.

Global Growth

Magic Software Enterprises, which is based in Israel, supplying the platforms Magic xpa development and integration Magic xpi also announced its 2014 results, with a 13% growth over the previous year and revenues of US 164.3 million, compared to the $ 145.0 million of 2013. It was the fifth straight year of growth . and revenue record and business results

More info:


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2VG strengthens partnership with DataCore Software – Computerworld Portugal

Events in Lisbon join the current business synergy

Portuguese company 2VG announced the strengthening of its technological partnership with DataCore Software, a provider of virtualization software, management and storage networks.

During 2015 and “track of the current synergy of business, the two companies will promote some event presentation sets”, probably in Lisbon in April and September.

“strengthening this technological and business partnership with the Portuguese 2VG intends to maintain and establish new forms of business and approach of DataCore to the Portuguese market and strengthen its position with regard to software innovative and reliable virtualization solutions, “said Sebastien Loisy, Iberia Sales Country Manager of DataCore Software. “We believe that through this enhanced partnership with 2VG, and directed operations in the domestic market, these benefits will arise already in 2015″.

The 2VG, a provider of solutions and integrated virtualization and training services in IT , invoiced about 1.5 million euros last year, is present in European markets and starts “2015 with a strong focus on Russia and developing further new investments with their local partners in Mozambique,” says the company.



In the AM, institute launches software to measure human impact in … –

An application to measure the impact of human pressure in flooded forests has become available by the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute, located in Tefé, 523 km from Manaus. The software is available for download on the Internet. According to the institute, the tool will be used to assist in the conservation and sustainable development of forests.

The application measures the anthropization Index Flooding Forests (IAFI), which results in a numerical data obtained from the analysis of 15 indicators of human pressure. “The IAFI emerges as a reference and important tool to identify and quantify the human pressure for the development of conservation strategies. The importance of understanding and monitoring these changes is on the definition of best strategies for conservation and sustainable development of these environments,” said research associate of the Mamirauá Institute, José Leonardo Magalhães, through counsel.

According to the institute, the project was conceived over the past four years. The proposal is that the application help in identifying areas that need public or private expenditure.

“The challenge to systematize indicators that appropriately reflect the human impact levels and also aggregate the different stories occupation of each site is large due to the size of the continental Amazon biome. Our research group has endeavored to apply the IAFI in various places of the trough of the Solimões-Amazonas rivers. Over the last four years he has been implemented in eight landscapes include local from Brazil’s border with Colombia to the mouth of the Amazon River, “the researcher.

The application is available for download from the Mamirauá Institute website ( ). When you download the program, the user has access to a manual with guidelines on the collection of field data.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lenovo is processed by spy software included on their PCs – Digital Look

It did not take long for Lenovo suffered the first court case on charges of distributing spy Superfish software on their laptops. The action comes from the American Jessica Bennett, who claims to have been affected by the pre-installed program on your laptop Yoga 2.

She says she noticed ads from spam type with scantily clad women, which raised their suspicion on a spyware infection. However, she found that it was the Superfish, the program used by Lenovo, according to the indictment.

Now the company will have to answer a process for fraudulent business practices, and jeopardize the safety and user privacy for financial gain.

Publicly, Lenovo recanted and promised to remove the program on compromised computers but denied many of the charges. “We investigated this technology widely and could not find any evidence to support the security concerns. The software does not draw profiles or monitor user behavior. It does not record user information and do not know who the user is,” said a spokesman company.

Security experts, however, claim that adware could monitor users and convert search terms in ad online shops. The program would also be able to approve their own security certificate, collecting personal data and leaving the user vulnerable to potential attacks.

In a statement the director of software developer Adi Pinhas, defended the software: “The Superfish is completely transparent in our software does and in no time consumers were vulnerable.”

What is the Superfish
? problem is used to collect information to display customized advertising to the owners of computers. The point is that the Superfish is able to install a proxy that can produce false SSL certificates whenever you have to go through a secure connection.

The SSL certificate is used by banks, shopping and social networking to prove their sites comes secure connections. As the Superfish produces these seals, the program can penetrate secure sites to collect information from them and still inject advertising there.

An example of this ability has been shown by Kenn White security expert who, on Twitter, posted a picture showing a certificate issued to the Bank of America by Superfish, and this guarantee should come from a company specializing in security.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Rental of software is a big market – Every Day (Signature)

Author: Estadão conteúdosão francisco | – 21/02 / 2015-01h17 – updated 23/02 / 2015-03h48



The Fireclay Tile uses Salesforce software, Silicon Valley, the largest in the SaaS world for the relationship management with the client

The tiles Fireclay Tile produced by in San Francisco (USA), are painted by hand, one by one. The company is small, with just over 100 employees, and the showroom of the brand is a house with faded facade, squeezed between the tall buildings that host startups of Silicon Valley technology. But do not be fooled by appearances. The Fireclay Tile does not work according to its size when it comes to business management.

The company is one of thousands that have adopted cloud computing in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service), optimizing your process sales and service, which, according to the company, contributed to its growth by 500% since the implementation of the technology in 2009.

A 2014 IBM survey shows that the global market for SaaS should reach around US $ 45 billion in 2017. Two years ago, this value was $ 18 billion.

The study surveyed more than 800 global companies say that the main reason for the decision to adopt SaaS is reducing the cost of ownership of their applications, instead of buying the license of software, SaaS the company pays a monthly fee to access a hosted cloud system, not on its servers, with 41% of them exceeding the expectations of economy.

A number that surprised the researchers, however, was the companies that seek, through SaaS, competitive advantage, adding 47% of respondents.

” We felt like an Amazon, where the customer know if the purchase has been carried out and the product shipped, “said the president of Fireclay Tile, Eric Edelson, which automated communication via e-mail of the brand through SaaS. “For a company our size, with no more than $ 2 million in revenue, you could not do this without a huge technology team,” he says.

The manufacturer of tiles uses the Sales software Cloud (cloud sales), Salesforce, Silicon Valley company that is the world’s largest SaaS delivery for the relationship management (CRM).

In addition to Software as a Service ( SaaS), cloud computing has two other categories:. Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), both used by companies of all sizes, depending on your needs

The Salesforce, besides being a reference in SaaS, PaaS also offers a solution called Salesforce1 Platform, which allows users to develop their own applications, aimed at customers or employees, and all of them ready for mobile devices.


Software on computers Lenovo leaves vulnerable system –

A factory-installed software on some computers Lenovo Chinese leaves your computer vulnerable to data interception attacks. The program displays contextual advertising depending on the visited site and to analyze secure pages, change operating system settings to remove the protections offered by intercept HTTPS sites (which display the “lock” in the web browser).

The program, called Superfish, using codes of another company, Komodia. A study released by Facebook on Friday (20) says more than a dozen other applications with the same code there. The case of Lenovo, however, is of concern because of the number of systems affected. Lenovo is currently the largest manufacturer in the world computers, with 18.8% of sales, according to Gartner

Computers with Superfish were also sold in Brazil in three sets:. G (G40 -70 and G50-45), Z (Z40-70) and Yoga (Yoga2-13). Lenovo released an automatic removal tool that can be downloaded from the company website. In addition to uninstall, you must verify that the certificate was also removed. Microsoft included the Superfish in Windows Defender security program, which is part of Windows.

“We did not know this potential security vulnerability [until this Friday (20)]. We recognize that this was a our mistake and we will do better in the future. Now we are focused on correcting the problem, “the company said in a statement.

interception Risk
Web sites can only display the “lock” safety case accompanied by a certificate signed by a trusted entity. The list of trusted entities is configured in Windows. A site that uses a certificate scrambles the communication traffic and prevents the data from being read by third parties. The digital signature of the trusted entity by the system ensures that the certificate has not been tampered.

The Superfish analyzes the communication traffic to search and display contextual advertising. In secure sites, Superfish could not work because it is not possible to analyze the traffic.

To work around this limitation, the program simulates an intercept attack on access to secure sites, being intermediate. This action should result in an error message for the visitor, it would indicate that there is something wrong with the secure connection.

The Superfish modifies the list of trusted entities to be included in it and, therefore, it can display a fake certificate and even then will be accepted by the system, without any error message.

The problem with this method is that the key used by Superfish is unsafe and is the same for all systems that it is installed. This allows any attacker to create fake certificates that will be accepted by the vulnerable computer.

The risk of interception is higher in shared networks, as a public wireless network. A hacker could intercept access to bank or any other site usually safe, like Facebook, and get all the communication data, including passwords. No error message or warning would be displayed, as it would on a computer without the installed Superfish.


PokerStars Nega Bitcoin Entrance in Software – Pokernews

The PokerStars denied the rumors that give virtual currency entry account in your software. According to Coindesk site, a representative of the red sword of the room denied it in the next coin entry as a deposit method plans and survey the room.

“PokerStars has no immediate plans to implement the bitcoin in your software and it is not in its development plan.”

However the room says it is monitoring the situation and may revise its position on the virtual currency. As for the veracity of the rumors that reflect the end of the virtual currency of the integration process in the world’s largest poker room, the representative called these publications “ incorrect “.

The PokerStars and Full Tilt belong to the Amaya Gaming , one of the largest groups in the online gaming industry. The entrance to the PokerStars in Bitcoin would this company one of the largest in history to accept virtual currency.

Find out more about Bitcoin:

Enjoy and open now your PokerStars Marketing Code using the PORTUGUESEPOKERNEWS and the Bonus code FREE20 .

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Garmin announces new software update for GPSMAP and … – Tech & Net


The Garmin anuncou the availability of a new software update for its multifunctional systems GPSMAP series and for devices echoMAP series, which combine the advantages and features of a plotter and a probe.

Among the features available in this new version emphasis on the Auto-Route 2.0 option and the possibility of users import waypoints, routes and tracks in GPX format. There are also new functionality to support navigation and a set of advanced features that increase safety on board. The new version of the software can be downloaded for free from the Garmin website

With the Auto-Route 2.0 functionality, supported by patented technology. Garmin , the user only needs to enter the desired destination to access the best path. The system was designed to evaluate the best ways to avoid possible obstacles and shallow waters.

This update also allows the import of waypoints, routes and GPS devices rails from other manufacturers, in GPX format. With this improvement, users can save and transfer the stored information on previous devices, regardless of brand. Some Garmin GPSMAP devices also become part of specific functions to race as the configuration of a virtual output line, countdown timer, accurate data on the wind, among other functions.

To ensure greater security browsing, the new version of the software will allow for faster contact with the Coast Guard in an emergency. It also ensures greater compatibility with equipment Garmin latest offers and the designated bird mode that lets you find birds on the sea surface, improving the entire fishing experience <. /> p>

“In Garmin work daily to improve each of our products, bringing new features and functionality that keeps them updated” , said Natalia Cabrera, Director of Marketing for Garmin Iberia. “This new version further strengthens all the advantages and the potential offered by the equipment, ensuring users access to the latest technology and information. This allows easier navigation, convenient and secure “.

This update is available for the GPSMAP 8000 series, GPSMAP 8 × 0/0 × 10, 5 × GPSMAP 7/7 × 1 as well as for all models in the series echoMAP

For more information about the features, pricing and availability, products and services from Garmin, visit


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Is there already a software that provides the crimes Minority style … –


If we ever dreamed that the film Minority Report come true, the PredPol company has released a software with positive results.

The news is released Forbes, who speaks in software produced by PredPol and that is already being used by police in Los Angeles since 2012. But at the beginning there were many septic, the truth of the results is different. According to the company, the reductions in crime in the areas where your system acts reach the double digits.

According to the reported results, there is a 20% annual in Los Angeles, and that in the first four months in the city there was a reduction of 14% of the crimes. In Atlanta there is a reduction of 19% after the introduction of the program throughout the city since November 2013.

To predict the areas where crimes may occur, the program works with probabilities, based on previous crimes, being dependent on the police reports entering the platform. The result of this algorithm is the areas where there is greater likelihood of crimes, which gives a strong clue where the police must be present.


The program costs between $ 10,000 and $ 150,000, depending on the population for which it is intended. The program is already used by almost 60 US police departments.

These figures are published by the company, however further studies are needed to see if these programs are actually the cause of reducing crimes.


Google extends deadline before exposing bugs in the software of others – Digital Look

Google decided to take a teaspoon for companies and will give a period slightly higher before publicly expose security holes in the software of others in the Project Zero program. After hearing complaints from Microsoft, the company will expand the search term if necessary.

So far, Google notifying the responsible company and promised to disclose the information within 90 days, something considered sufficient. Now, after complaints, will give an additional time of 14 days for the company responsible release the necessary update.

Also, if the deadline coincides with weekends or national holidays (US), Google will also move the deadline for the next business day. The company also promises that, in extreme cases, the period may be extended or reduced, but very special circumstances apply.

So far, Microsoft has been the most harmed by the new Google bug exposure policy, and is probably also responsible for the shift in thinking competitor. This is because in one case, a failure in the “Windows 8.1″ was released two days before the release of correction package, which responsible for the operating system considered “less a matter of principle and one more ‘gotcha!’”.

Via The Verge
