Thursday, April 30, 2015

Reading … facial recognition software guess your age and turns … – IGN Brazil

When I go to a bar or know a unknown class, my favorite joke is to make people try to guess my age. To show the processing power of your cloud service, Microsoft launched a new website, the, trying to do just the same as me in this bar game: guess your age from one or a few photos .

The first test was made at Build 2015 Microsoft conference devoted to developers, with the famous painting Mona Lisa . According to the program, Mona Lisa is 23 – which is more or less correct, considering what we know about the Leonardo da Vinci painting

It was enough. . for the internet exploded and tried to play, on their computers and cell phones, the joke of the Microsoft bar

We here at IGN Brazil test the game – and it did not produce good results as our team. (We were all older, and I personally, I gained 15 years of age for the evaluation of software. I’ll put the blame on the beard). But we went further and tested the program in some of the most beloved characters in the world of gaming.

What do you think? Let your contributions in the comments!

Bruno Chapels is reporter IGN Brazil and is outraged by the Understand why he put the blame on the beard on his Twitter account.


Inmetro proposed creating software for consumer monitor … – Zero Hour

The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) available for public consultation until 26 June 2015, a proposal for a regulation, unprecedented in Brazil, focused on pumps Gauge Liquid Fuels. The requirement provides a new generation of measuring instruments, which includes up to create a unique software that will allow the consumer has also the power of surveillance at gas stations.

Through the application store will be You can download a program for mobile, also created by technicians from Inmetro, which will provide consumers with a reliable supply of reading data. With this measure, he can check whenever supply if the values ​​shown on the pump display are correct or defrauded.

The proposal also includes the creation of fuel metering pumps with encryption, along the lines adopted in transactions with bank cards, which aims to curb the current found fraud. According to the report of tax Institutes of Weights and Measures State Institutes of Weights and Measures State (delegated bodies Inmetro), deceit happens in the “path” between the fuel volume measuring device and the display of the pump.

This software, developed by experts from Inmetro, will control the trajectory information from the volume measurement to the display of the pump

-. This completely new measure will inhibit fraud. There has never been in the country the use of cryptography for digital signatures herein and this measure will prevent the system can be altered, and allows citizens to participate in the trust instrument augmentation procedure – explains the director of Legal Metrology, Luiz Carlos Gomes.

With the opening of the Public Consultation for Fuel Gauge pumps liquids is expected that the entire fuel sector become more sensitive to the need of improving the reliability of the measured data on the installed equipment and systems for service stations . In addition, we expect positive impacts on combating tax evasion, fuel adulteration, and unfair competition and consumer fraud.

The theme Pumps Liquid Fuel Gauge was put on public consultation by Inmetro No. 181 of 26 April 2015. The document is available at Inmetro’s website to receive comments and suggestions until June 26, 2015.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cisco Announces New Software Partner Program – Computerworld Portugal

Focus on Internet of Things requires the reset is a software and services company


Cisco Cisco is taking its Internet push of Everything to the next level and announced a new Software Partner Program (Software Partner Programme).

Bruce Klein, the company’s senior vice president of partner organizations worldwide, and the team Cisco executives made the announcement on the opening day of the Cisco Partner Summit 2015 in Montreal (Canada).

The Cisco CEO John Chambers, had planned to challenge its channel partners to evolve or die, and part of Cisco’s focus on Internet of Everything forces to redefine itself as a software and services company, on top of its traditional network hardware base.

The program is designed to lead partners develop software applications and to work with the emerging digital business world, facing the Internet of Things. Will have rewards and incentives linked to three new categories of partners that the company calls Lifecycle Advisors, Consultants and Integrators .

The program integrates within the existing Cisco Partner Programme , and will be released in fiscal 2016



Wincor Nixdorf expands investment in software for management … – National Insurance Portal

 Partnership with planfocus benefits banks and retailers in cash management


 Wincor Nixdorf, one of the world’s leading providers of IT solutions for banks and retail, has been investing heavily in software in recent years and meets specific cases of multivendor software solutions in several countries. Recently entered into a strategic technology partnership with planfocus software company specializing in software for the numeraries management, aiming to unite the expertise of both companies in the development and global marketing of a dedicated solution for the complete cycle of cash. Thus, the CPTO software planfocus, already present in several customers, shall be developed and integrated into the portfolio of solutions from Wincor Nixdorf. The improvement of cash management processes – and their consequent cost savings – benefits banks, retailers and also the values ​​of transport operators


 The planfocus software is the market leader in Germany in the optimization segment of the cash management and internationally recognized technologies for cash logistics. Banks, retailers and cash-transport operators use solution for planfocus otimimizar complex replenishment processes values ​​and thus ensure accuracy in planning cash flow, while significantly reducing costs. The planfocus software has CashEDI certification (the German central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank) and is currently employed to manage an amount of more than 100 billion euros in circulation for years.


 With the improvement of the solution linked to other portfolio components of cash management Wincor Nixdorf, the tool is now marketed under the name PC / E Cash Cycle Optimizer. It will also be integrated into the PC / E, omnichannel platform (multi-channel) and the ProView, Wincor Nixdorf’s software for monitoring and management of the IT environment.


 “Solutions for cash management are an important part of our portfolio, for support and complement the solutions to the process of transformation of agencies and enable a real gain in efficiency for our customers,” said Inon Neves, country manager of Wincor Nixdorf in Brazil.


 Cost savings


 The proper management of cash by the banks and retailers, coupled with the concepts of self-service, e-treasurer and auto attendant assisted both in the back office and in the front office, as in the process flow and counter flow, reflected in a significant cost reduction potential for banks and retailers.


 “Good management of cash in its various points of concentration (agency / store, safe, ATM / electronic Treasurer or in transit) allows increasingly optimize processes and have a better return as the need of cash in circulation,” explains Neves .


 Today banks are starting the deployment of ATMs with recyclers that allow money deposited to be reused for withdrawals, among other features. The cash management solution directs the flow of money available according to demand of the agency’s clients, accurately, ensuring greater security and satisfaction in service.


 “Currently China is the country that uses the boxes equipped with recyclers – have 10 years to reach this level. In Brazil, ATMs recyclers must meet higher volume deployment by banks at the end of 2015, because this process requires adaptation of the technology, “says the country manager of Wincor Nixdorf.


 About Wincor Nixdorf


 Wincor Nixdorf is a global company with headquarters in Paderborn, Germany. It is currently present in over 130 countries, of which 43 are served by wholly owned subsidiaries and has about nine thousand employees. The company operates in the banking and retail automation segments. The portfolio includes hardware, software and services for the use of banks and retail stores, including post offices, gas stations and hotel sector. The company is a world leader in its segment. Its history begins in 1952, was acquired by Siemens AG in 1990. The current name of the company Wincor Nixdorf came with the acquisition in 1999 by KKR & amp; CO. L.P. and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners. Since 2004, Wincor Nixdorf is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.



  In Secs where everyone has their right of reply, just contact us you will be entertained Important on source or authorship …: The Secs acts as an intermediary in the dissemination of news briefs (Clipping), through materials, articles, interviews and opinions. The content disclosed herein for free, stem from information arising from the sources mentioned, never will be responsible for their content to Secs, all that is known is the sole responsibility of the author and editor or source. “I believe that the word is there to be used for the well. And the intelligence to allow us to interpret the facts, without passion.” (Authored by Lucio Araujo da Cunha) The Secs never take responsibility for the content, accuracy or reliability of the content the released material. because it is an opinion of the author or source. In case of dispute, the parties elect the Court of the District of Santos-SP-Brazil, official site of the company that owns the Secs and already expressly waive any other forum, however privileged. The Secs is an automated and controlled by IP Tool. To use and learn more, read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

UTFPR hosts Latin American meeting software – RBJ

The Latin American Free Software Festival (FLISOL) met on Saturday, 25 on the campus Francisco Beltrao UTFPR, many people interested and tuned in technology. Throughout the day they could learn more about the open and free codes programs, participate in workshops, short courses and still install on their computers free programs, with the help of professionals. The festival takes place simultaneously in several countries and the third time is held on campus.

According to the event coordinator for Beltran, Professor Wellton Costa de Oliveira, UTFPR, the event was very didactic approach for those who do not understand the subject, could also learn. “Many people like to use image editing programs and end up using software such as Photoshop and Corel Draw pirates, without paying the license, which is unethical. There are free software and open source that can be used as an alternative and that’s what we show participants FLISoL “exemplified.

The information in undergraduate student UTFPR, Andreza Farm, was surprised by the festival. “I already know several free software programs and am adept, however met different tools such as the scratch and C ++ short course. Also still learned on an application for development of software for mobile, in the lecture with Professor Gustavo Sato and on Robotics with Professor Flavio de Almeida e Silva.

The whole program was free and also involved teachers and professionals from different areas that covered topics such as security, web, office and servers.


VARITUS BRAZIL offers its emission Notes software … – National Insurance Portal

 Company promotes its tool training campaign, for new customers, and the releases at no cost, with unlimited number of emissions


 The digital medium has become the birthplace and place of existence of electronic documents of all degrees of importance for companies. An example is the electronic invoices. The ease of emission, storage and management of these documents is precisely the proposal of issuing software electronic documents VARITUS BRAZIL, innovator in the IT landscape. The company is offering, for the entire month of May, a training campaign your tool. By purchasing the training the customer has available a full version of issuing software all electronic documents, completely free of charge.


 The purpose of training is to teach the taxpayer to use in the best way, the solution, fill in the fields correctly, do the step by step the issue of searching for document (when in bulk), among other functions.


 “The training objective is to show the customer the necessity of issuing and storage of a major tax documents of the company, after which provide him the means to do it for free,” says Adam Lopes, CEO of Varitus.


 Access is full and unlimited, and lasts 60 days storage for all documents issued. As the training is paid in a single act. Upon completion there is an activation and the client to use all of the emission modules consisting of:


 · NF-e (Electronic Invoice).


 · CT-e (Electronic Bill of Lading).


 · MDF and (Manifesto of Tax Documents).


 · NFS-e (Electronic Invoice – Service)


 · NFC-e (Electronic Invoice – Consumer)


 · Letter of correction, events, manifest and cancellation.


 The storage of files on hard XML, free of charge, for two months, necessitating there, the customer download your documents or contract storage services VARITUS BRAZIL, just to keep the history of your emissions. The holding of free emissions continues. The great advantage of the tool is precisely its ability to issue all necessary documents in a single interface.


 The training is now available for scheduling, with at least three days in advance, and can be done remotely via computer or phone. The duration is two hours about, and it will be available until May 31, and may be extended. “The difference this training is the use of customer use cases in their daily lives, our expert (coach), and will help clarify many doubts and eliminate common errors,” concluded Adam.




 Training issuing software and electronic invoices management


 Duration:. Available today, lasting until May 31 (may be extended)


 Training time:. About 2 hours


 Schedule: (19) 3544 2329 (booked 3 days in advance)


 About Varitus Brazil: / (19) 9544 2329


 Company in the information technology sector, Varitus Brazil has the unique tool for issue, recovery and digital file storage in accordance with the rules of the IRS, for small, medium and large companies in the public and private areas. Among the main services are issuing NF, NF-e, CT and management (Electronic Bill of Lading) and MDF and (Manifesto of Tax Documents).



  In Secs, where everyone has their right of reply, just contact us you will be entertained Important about source or authorship …: The Secs acts as an intermediary in the dissemination of news briefs (Clipping), through reports, articles, interviews and opinions. The contents disclosed herein for free, result from information arising from the sources mentioned, never will be responsible for their content to Secs, all that is known is the sole responsibility of the author and editor or source. “I think the word is there to be used for the well. And the intelligence to allow us to interpret the facts, without passion.” (Authoring Lucio Araujo da Cunha) The Secs, never take responsibility for the content, accuracy or reliability of the content the broadcast material. because it is an opinion of the author or source. In case of dispute, the parties elect the Court of the District of Santos-SP-Brazil, official site of the company that owns the Segs and now expressly waive any other forum, however privileged. The Secs is an automated and controlled by IP Tool. To use and learn more, read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


Software transforms virtually any touchscreen in a … – Digital Journal

 Manufacturers are exploring the world of biometrics and digital scanners put in almost everything – from photocopiers to school buses. And now a Yahoo research team may have found a way to extend the biometric recognition for anything with touchscreen.

To identify the protrusions and depressions that form the fingerprint, you need a high resolution scanner – something that is definitely not a touchscreen. But the researchers found, you can “grab” the principle of fingerprint and apply it to much larger parts of the body, which have a much more defined topology.

In practice, this means pressing the your ears or knuckles against the cellphone screen. Capacitive sensors on the screen are able to map the part of your body, check if it is your ear being pressed against the screen, and then unlock the device. The team says that in his limited study of 12 participants achieved an accuracy of 99.52%.

The system still needs to be tested on a wider scale until one can really say it’s safe – maybe three in 100 people have the joints of equal fingers pop them all the time. But if it works, the recognition of the body printing can be an inexpensive and effective way to ensure security for all smartphones

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In Marvel movies, Jarvis is the ultra intelligent virtual assistant … – Marataízes

The system, dubbed by the English actor Paul Bettany, to gain some prominence in the second film of the Avengers, Age of Ultron, recently launched in Brazil.

This weekend, Apple engineers revealed that in addition to helping the man Iron to fight the greatest villains of the universe, Jarvis is present in all iOS devices using personal assistant Siri.

During a meeting at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, Apple’s developers said detailed the operation of the Apache Mesos software, fitted to the servers that run Siri.

The open source program developed by the University of Berkeley, was developed to improve the efficiency of large data centers and large sites companies (the Mesos is responsible, for example, the disappearance of the whale that appeared every time Twitter exit the air.)

Among other tasks, the Mesos choose the best way to complete tasks, considering all features of a database

The software also allows engineers to make service updates as Siri as if they were doing the task in just a single computer. – when, in fact, are messing with thousands of . servers

But the most amazing happened at the end of the presentation, when developers revealed the name of the version that Apple created for Apache Mesos:. JARVIS

The meaning of the acronym is almost equal to the operating system of Tony Stark. There is only a small difference in the last letter.

The Apple program is Just A Rather Very Intelligent Scheduler (Only a very intelligent scheduler, in English) while the Iron Man wizard Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (Only a very smart system).

So every time you think of hardly speak your iPhone (which just learned Portuguese) that he did not understand what you mean by “Set alarm for 7:30 “, remember that he has avoided that the earth was invaded by aliens from Asgard. Or nearly so
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BT uses access management software and identification of CA … – The Nortão Journal

CA Technologies and BT announced that CA Secure Cloud solution, management access and identification (IAM – Identity and Access Management) for managed service providers, was integrated into the new service BT Assure Cloud Identity. The BT’s service helps protect corporate data – whether they are in the cloud or hybrid company’s IT systems units. – Combining the CA IAM software resources with the experience of BT in security management

BT customers have all the advantages of an economical turnkey security system, which will support the growing demand for mobility, identity verification and need to integrate with partners and access to customers. The BT Assure Cloud Identity is a flexible solution designed to meet the secure connection requirements for employees, customers and partners to enterprise applications from any device.

CA Secure Cloud is the AMI technology underlying the BT Assure Cloud Identity to control access to applications from their customers. This includes user management, single sign-on for software as a service (SaaS – Software as a Service) or hosted on customer premises and protection against unauthorized access and fraud through advanced authentication services that incorporate behavioral analysis and multi-factor making the whole process transparent.

Mark Hughes, president of BT Assure notes that “CA Technologies is more than 10 years a partner of BT for security. Together we have contributed to atenuaras concerns of our customers with regard to access to and security of your data. As a managed service, BT Assure Cloud Identity provides our customers convenience and confidence that your data is protected from loss or misuse, no matter where they are. . And this without the need for significant investment in hardware or staff, leaving more resources and free time for dedication to business “

The new service is hosted on redundant data centers and high resilience; is initially available in the UK and gradually extend to the whole of Europe and other regions.

“Working with innovative and successful organizations, able to complement our business plans and expand the use of our solutions management of access and identification is of fundamental importance for the CA’s strategy in the area of ​​security, “says Steve Firestone, senior vice president and general manager of CA Technologies security.” We are delighted to be working with BT extending protection to data of its end customers, while also contributing to grow the economy of applications, “he says.

About BT
 BT is one of the world’s leading providers of communications solutions and services operating in 170 countries. Its principal activities include IT network services, telecommunications services local, national and international for its customers for home use, at work and on the move; broadband products and services, television and Internet value-added and products and converged fixed / mobile services. BT has five main business lines:. BT Global Services, BT Business, BT Consumer, BT Wholesale and Openreach BT

During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 the turnover of the BT Group was £ 18.287 billion, with profit before tax of £ 2.312 billion.

British Telecommunications plc. (BT) is a wholly owned subsidiary of BT Group and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group is listed on the stock exchanges of London and New York stock exchanges.

For more information, visit

About CA Technologies
 CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) develops software for the processing enterprises, allowing them to exploit the opportunities arising with the economy of applications. The software occupies a central position in the business all empesas in all sectors. From planning, through development, management and security, CA works with companies from around the world to transform the way we live, make transactions and enable communication, whether in mobile environments, private or public cloud, distributed or mainframe-based. To learn more about CA Technologies, visit


Monday, April 27, 2015

Bt Uses Access Management Software And Identification Of … – National Insurance Portal

 The new managed service identification of BT connects employees, customers and partners to cloud applications in a safe and economical way


 CA Technologies and BT announced that CA Secure Cloud solution, management access and identification (IAM – Identity and Access Management) for managed service providers, was integrated into the new service BT Assure Cloud Identity. The BT’s service helps protect corporate data – whether they are in the cloud or hybrid company’s IT systems units. – Combining the CA IAM software resources with the experience of BT in security management


 BT’s customers have all the advantages of an economic turnkey security system, which will support the growing demand for mobility, identity verification and need to integrate with partners and access to customers. The BT Assure Cloud Identity is a flexible solution designed to meet the secure connection requirements for employees, customers and partners to enterprise applications from any device.


 CA Secure Cloud IAM is the technology underlying the BT Assure Cloud Identity to control access to applications from their customers. This includes user management, single sign-on for software as a service (SaaS – Software as a Service) or hosted on customer premises and protection against unauthorized access and fraud through advanced authentication services that incorporate behavioral analysis and multi-factor making the whole process transparent.


 Mark Hughes, president of BT Assure notes that “CA Technologies is more than 10 years a partner of BT for security. Together we have contributed to atenuaras concerns of our customers with regard to access to and security of your data. As a managed service, BT Assure Cloud Identity provides our customers convenience and confidence that your data is protected from loss or misuse, no matter where they are. And that without significant investment in hardware or personnel are required, leaving more resources and free time for dedication to the business. “


 The new service is hosted on redundant data centers and high resilience; is initially available in the UK and gradually extend to the whole of Europe and other regions.


 “Working with innovative organizations and successful, able to complement our business plans and expand the use of our access management solutions and identification is of fundamental importance for the CA’s strategy in the area of ​​security,” says Steve Firestone, vice Senior-president and general manager of CA Technologies security. “We are delighted to be working with BT providing data protection of its end customers, while also contributing to grow the economy of applications,” he concludes .


 About BT


 BT is one of the world’s leading providers of communications solutions and services operating in 170 countries. Its principal activities include IT network services, telecommunications services local, national and international for its customers for home use, at work and on the move; broadband products and services, television and Internet value-added and products and converged fixed / mobile services. BT has five main business lines:. BT Global Services, BT Business, BT Consumer, BT Wholesale and Openreach BT


 During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 the turnover of the BT Group was £ 18.287 billion, with earnings before tax of £ 2.312 billion.


 British Telecommunications plc. (BT) is a wholly owned subsidiary of BT Group and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group is listed on the stock exchanges of London and New York stock exchanges.


 For more information, visit


 About CA Technologies


 CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) develops software for the processing enterprises, allowing them to exploit the opportunities arising with the economy of applications. The software occupies a central position in the business all empesas in all sectors. From planning, through development, management and security, CA works with companies from around the world to transform the way we live, make transactions and enable communication, whether in mobile environments, private or public cloud, distributed or mainframe-based. To learn more about CA Technologies, visit






  In Secs, where everyone has their right of reply, just contact us you will be entertained Important about source or authorship …: The Secs acts as an intermediary in the dissemination of news briefs (Clipping), through reports, articles, interviews and opinions. The contents disclosed herein for free, result from information arising from the sources mentioned, never will be responsible for their content to Secs, all that is known is the sole responsibility of the author and editor or source. “I think the word is there to be used for the well. And the intelligence to allow us to interpret the facts, without passion.” (Authoring Lucio Araujo da Cunha) The Secs, never take responsibility for the content, accuracy or reliability of the content the broadcast material. because it is an opinion of the author or source. In case of dispute, the parties elect the Court of the District of Santos-SP-Brazil, official site of the company that owns the Segs and now expressly waive any other forum, however privileged. The Secs is an automated and controlled by IP Tool. To use and learn more, read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


Siri software is wizard name Iron Man –

 São Paulo – In the movies the Marvel , Jarvis is the ultra intelligent virtual assistant created by Tony Stark.


 The system, dubbed by the English actor Paul Bettany, to gain some prominence in the second film of the Avengers, Age of Ultron, recently launched in Brazil.


 This weekend, engineers Apple revealed that in addition to helping Iron Man to fight the greatest villains of the universe, Jarvis is present in all iOS devices using personal assistant Siri.


 During a meeting at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, Apple’s developers said detailed the operation of the Apache Mesos software, fitted to the servers that run Siri.


 The open source program developed by the University of Berkeley, was developed to improve the efficiency of large data centers of large websites and companies (the Mesos is responsible, for example, the disappearance of the whale that appeared every time Twitter exit air .)


 Among other tasks, the Mesos choose the best way to complete tasks, considering all the features of a database.


 The software also allows engineers to make service updates as Siri as if they were doing the task in just a single computer. – When, in fact, are messing with thousands of servers


 But the most amazing happened at the end of the presentation, when developers revealed the name of the version that Apple created for Apache Mesos:. JARVIS


 The meaning of the acronym is practically equal to the operating system of Tony Stark. There is only a small difference in the last letter.


 The Apple program is Just A Rather Very Intelligent Scheduler (Only a very intelligent scheduler, in English) while the Iron Man wizard Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (Only a very smart system).


 So every time you think of hardly speak your iPhone (which just learned Portuguese) that he did not understand what you mean by “Set alarm for 7:30,” remember that he has avoided that the earth was invaded by alien Asgard. Or nearly so.


Topics: Apple , Business , Information Technology , American companies , Technology companies , Marvel , Software


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Teresina receives Hack Day and Free Software Festival on Saturday – Info Online

The city of Teresina, Piauí, receives this Saturday (25) the second edition of Teresina Hack Day. The free event will feature lectures and workshops involving issues such as piracy, Arduino, deep web and data analysis, and everything will happen parallel to the Latin American Installation Free Software Festival , the FLISoL.

The organizers are members of Teresina Hacker Club, and all activities will be held at the Federal Institute of Piauí from 8am, with the “Demystifying the Deep Web” lecture. Five other performances take place until 16h, and a panel discussion on the importance of open data should close the program.

At the site, participants will also have an Arduino micro-electronics and workshop for beginners and can install programs code-open on their computer in FLISoL. According to a statement, “people from different areas can participate, work and learn.”

The entrance to the event is free, and more information is available on the official website.

Service :

What 2 Teresina Hack Day and Software Installation Latin American Festival (FLISoL)

When? Saturday, April 25, from 8am

Where Carmen Sinnott Auditorium at the Federal Institute of Piauí – Rua Quintino Bocaiuva, 94

The ? Free


CBF will deploy ranking doctors and software control … –

The CBF will implement two new in the next edition of the Championship: the ranking of medical and software to register the injuries of athletes in the national football clubs. The information was confirmed by the doctor Jorge Pagura, president of the National Football Medical Commission (CNMF) during the Fifth National Meeting of Football Physicians.

According to the professional the meeting held on Friday was the first continuing education course given by the entity. From now on, all the events of CNMF will generate points for physicians, which will be classified in gold, silver and bronze. The intention is to improve the condition of the physicians working in sport in all series of Brazilian football.

– This control will be internal CBF. We will have courses like those in odd years, one every two years. In the pairs will be two workshops, one for the South / Southeast and another for North / Northeast / Midwest. This will bring a score. The CBF TV will also have bi-monthly lectures on important issues and then will have a questionnaire to be delivered. This will yield a number of points. Adherence to the data submission system will also count. And we will also evaluate the congress specialties that send to us – Pagura explained

Pagura went further and said that at any given time, CBF may be made to the regulations of the competitions. the obligation of clubs have respected doctors in the ranking of the entity.

– When we have all this, surely the competitions department will be able to demand that has (requirement in the Regulation). That’s what we more forward. It is a long-term work for the next four years. We recognize the difficulty of clubs from smaller divisions, but we have to help them. We are pentacampeões the world, we have a structure on the pitch and we need to grow out. And that goes through the medical part of the growth.

In addition to creating a ranking of doctors, CBF will deploy a software for clubs to list the injuries of his players . The intention is to have statistics on the problems that most affect the athletes during the disputes of the Championship and other competitions around the country

-. Let’s start making a mapping injury by a computer online system, developed at the Paulista Federation and perfected in CBF. Already going to do this project in the next national championship. Brazil does not have statistics. It is difficult to plan with lack of information. This will have an importance for the improvement of Brazilian football. Let’s see if the players more hurt in Series A or Series B. If it is the end of the championship or not. How long does the recovery … The system is encrypted. Only those who have access is the club president, the doctor and the athlete himself. But I will know how many socks were injured in what piece of the field. Will improve up to the Brazilian national team. The more information we have, the better.

Pagura also said that the 60 clubs invited to the meeting held on Friday, 52 medical teams of all grades of Brazil were present at the headquarters of CBF, in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro.


Recife receives Northeast Free Software Congress on Saturday –

This weekend, Recife will host one of the most important meetings between users and the Northeast free software administrators. The 14th edition of the Free Software Congress Northeast (Consoline) occurs on Saturday (25), from 9h to 17h, the Technical School Senai Sands, in the south of the city, and will show solutions, applications, services and success stories .

The idea of ​​the Congress is to spread the free software culture and report on the social importance for users and information technology professionals, and promote learning and networking among those present. Throughout the day, lectures and short courses with professionals will be promoted.

Those interested in participating must register on the event website and pay a fee of $ 20. To access the short courses, participants pay, beyond description, another fee of $ 30. All activities guarantee certificate.


Friday, April 24, 2015

SAP profit falls, but software in the cloud has strong growth in … – canaltech (Blog)

For Writing in | 23/04/2015 at 12h47


The German company that develops software solutions corporate, SAP, released a report this week showing that the company recorded a consolidated net profit of EUR 413 million in the first quarter of 2015, following the international accounting standard IFRS, which represents a decrease of 23% over the same period Last year, when he managed to EUR 534 million.

The drop is significant even with increase in revenues which, in turn, had an increase of 22% between January and March, from 3.69 billion euros in the first quarter of 2014 to 4.49 billion euros this year. The good performance in the company’s revenue is due to the strong expansion of software offering in the cloud that managed to beat the company’s record. The programs in cloud rose from EUR 219 million in revenues to 503 million euros, a significant growth of 129% in the annual quarterly comparison.

In the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) SAP achieved a great performance, both in the traditional model of selling licenses and in software offering in the cloud. Revenue from offerings in the cloud was exceptional, with growth of 114%, driven by strong demand in the UK. Already in Russia and Ukraine, the macroeconomic and political environment continued to affect the SAP business. However, revenues from software licenses in Germany grew by 13%.

Revenue from support in the Asia Pacific region over Japan achieved a growth of 137%, driven by a very significant quarter in India.

Now in the Americas, the cloud subscriptions increased by 136%, taking into account also the revenue supported. This number was achieved by strong growth in the North American market. In Brazil, where the company has a strong presence in business management software, there was a recovery, with double-digit growth in revenues from software license.

With the numbers, SAP confirms its global leadership in market of collaborative business solutions and multiempresas. Currently, the main product of the company, which employs more than 56,000 people, is the integrated business management system, also known as SAP ERP.

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Startup launches software for ‘spying’ unproductive staff – Russian Gazette

Currently, about 20 000 employees
 major Russian companies are under the control of “CrocoTime”. Among the corporations
 who use the service are the energy giant Gazprom, and the Tinkoff, one of the largest
 the country’s banks. But why they were interested in such a tool? To
 answer this question, one must understand how the software works.

First, the “CrocoTime” calculates the time
 work based on the use of the mouse and keyboard: if they are not used
 within a certain period of time, the program considers that the employee does not
 is exercising its functions.

Furthermore, while the “CrocoTime” is installed
 the client server, so-called “monitoring agents” are inserted
 the computers of employees. All sites and programs are divided into
 three categories as determined by the customer: productive, unproductive and
 not essential.

“The non-essential resources are separated. Are productive programs, but its use
 does not apply to the direct responsibilities of employees and can lead to problems
 in running a business, “said the executive director of Infomaksimum and
 Developer’s program, Aleksandr Bochkin.

“For example, managers of a company X passed
 60% of the time in a non-appropriate version of Microsoft Word and made contracts
 the hand. After the monitoring time, the department adopted the use of models
 documents. “

For the software license, the
 companies today invest the equivalent of 2,560 rubles ($ 50) per employee. Second
 Bochkin, after installing the program, customers were able to reduce the time
 unproductive employees 25-30% to 5-7%.

 but not equal

The CrocoTime is not the only program on the market
 Russian for the control of working time. “Discipline”, “OfisMETRIKA”
 “Stakhanovets” and YawareOnline also control the time of arrival and departure of
 employees, and the use of different programs and online resources.

However, according to the creators of “CrocoTime”
 the new program has some differences compared with the other
 available on the market. In addition to simultaneously monitor up to 10 actions
 K users, the software generates a statistic not only about each employee,
 but also on each department.

“CrocoTime” also lets you set the settings
 automatic for a particular group of employees – for example, employees
 accounting or IT experts.

 surveillance proof

The developers of “CrocoTime” now plan
 enter the European, American and Asian markets. But, according to the
 investment analyst at Prostor Capital, Sergei Akachkin, the program has
 a limited number of potential customers both abroad and in Russia.

“The prospects of ‘CrocoTime’ are large corporations.
 The need to use time tracking solutions arises in companies with
 more than 50 employees. In smaller companies, a good manager can
 manage staff without resorting to such programs, “Akachkin says.

In addition, according to the analyst, the great employees
 companies increasingly use tablets and smartphones to surf the internet
 during work. “Many managers understand this and are in no hurry to
 implement the control distance. “


Failure to software opens loophole for hackers invade iPhone –

 Berlin – iOS operating system Apple Inc., has a flaw that allows hackers to invade the devices iPhone and iPad that are within range of a wireless connection, according to security company Skycure Ltd.


 Applications of equipment and even the basic software as a whole close when operated with SSL encryption certificates handled, said the CEO of Skycure, Adi Sharabani, in a telephone interview.


 If hackers manage to invade the devices that are within range of your own wireless network, they can effectively create a “zone without iOS,” according to Skycure, which is based in Tel Aviv, Israel.


 “When programs give error, people tend to think it is for a quality problem,” said Sharabani. “But it could be a serious vulnerability.”


 Because Apple maintains tight control over the code of your operating system and the applications that can run on it, hackers specialize in mobile phones have focused on the Android platform, Google Inc., which gives them more freedom of manipulation. Failure SSL shows that hackers may have the opportunity to also cause damage to Apple customers.


 An Apple representative in London declined to comment. The Skycure said he did not know if anyone has exploited this security hole.


 The latest version of iOS, 8.3, launched this month, repaired some of their vulnerabilities, while others may be reproduced, Sharabani said. He declined to provide details as to not give instructions to hackers.


  reboot cycles


 The Skycure, founded in 2012 by Sharabani and the chief technology officer Yair Amit, specializes in software that protect mobile devices from attacks by the airwaves.


 The company, which received $ 8 million last month as investors Shasta Ventures, discovered in 2013 how hackers can attack cell phone users through without malicious wireless networks using privileges usually reserved for mobile operators.


 The researchers discovered the Skycure iOS failure experimenting with various ways of connecting devices to a network. When they brought a new router and changed the wireless settings, programs of devices that ran the Apple software started showing errors.


 The hackers that control the network that your device is connected can also control the certificates that are often used to transfer data securely and use them to attack the so-called “denial of service”.


 How SSL encryption is used by iOS and for almost all applications available on the App Store, vulnerability concerns a wide range of users.


 In the worst case, the devices can be forced into reset cycles that can only be stopped if the client out of the reach of malicious network, Sharabani said.


 Users should make sure you upgrade the operating system logo and be careful when using public wireless local area networks, said the Skycure.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Disney: and if a software change the words of a movie star? – Exame Informática

There are folding. And there is the new generation of folding that Disney plans to develop in the near future. The traditional folding want to just translate or improve the quality of actors or actors in a video dialogues; the new Disney folding system puts these same people saying things that did not originally said – even make no sense

confused.? In the video inserted on this page may find an example of what the new software producer of Hollywood is capable of. Front of the camera, a volunteer utters a few words in English: ‘clean swatches. ” The sound of this “speech” is, in a first step, synthesized, and then processed by an application that registers the movements of the lips and jaws and searches for words that may require the same movements of the mouth.

After the search, the application passes the overlapping words spoken with synthesized voice and images of the person talking. Which means that in the first example described here, the mouth of voluntary pronounced ‘clean swatches “, but the words can be heard’ thence to what saw ‘; “Laches rush to ‘; ‘Die swat saw’; or any other of the 9658 combinations of words that the software detected as being made with the same mouth movements.

According to the BBC, the system is prepared to avoid grammatical inconsistencies – which does not prevent the semantic inconsistencies caused by words that do not always make sense. Disney developed the new application in order to make the most credible bends – but admits he still has much work to do before getting all the dialogues of a feature film to be folded using this technology.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Avelor announces partnership with Software AG – Bitmag

The Avelor, specializing in the design and implementation of SAP systems architecture, added to its portfolio the distribution of solutions and driving implementation projects of BPE solutions (Business Process Excellence) Software AG.

ag software

The goal is to help companies gain greater competitiveness through the intelligent management of processes business, with reduced customer response time, real-time monitoring of operations and increase agility in making strategic decisions.

The BPE solutions (Business Process Excellence) from Software AG enable the modeling, automation and efficient management of business processes. Thus, business decisions can be made faster and more assertively, providing competitive advantages ahead of their competitors.

According to Sidney Davanso, Executive Director of Avelor, companies using SAP solutions can integrate ARIS (solution that integrates the BPE portfolio of Software AG) with SAP Solution Manager, significantly improving governance processes, projects and documents, gaining agility and reducing costs in the maintenance of the systems, the transformation of processes and implementation of innovations in business.

To Rawflin Bezerra, Alliances Director of Software AG for Latin America, corporate strategy with this partnership is to deliver projects to clients increasingly complete and acceding to their needs. “The business environment is undergoing a major transformation and companies need to prepare their operations. Software AG has a portfolio developed for this new moment, with solutions that model, automate and monitor the processes of the companies, causing them to modernize their business. Combining our expertise to know how big the Avelor – which has highly specialized professionals who know fully the demands of the customer – we develop projects tailored to these corporations act in a more productive, competitive and controlled environment “


With its BPE suite, Software AG enables companies to model, guide, automate and monitor their processes, allowing make the most of all the benefits of the digital world (which includes mobility, cloud computing, collaboration and Big Data). Thus, companies become more able to make quick decisions and assertive and can always be ahead in their markets.


Oncology center and US software company closed agreements … –

HAVANA (Reuters) – A cancer research center and a software company, both from the USA, reached agreements with Cuban partners during the two-day trade mission to Cuba, under the leadership of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the first trip of its kind since the rapprochement between former adversaries countries.

The Cancer Center Roswell Park, Bufallo in New York, on Tuesday signed an agreement with the Molecular Immunology Center of Cuba to develop a vaccine against lung cancer with clinical tests to be made in the USA, said the executive director of the Roswell Park, Cadence Johnson.

Now the software company Infor Global Solutions, headquartered in New York, said he had done according to a Cuban partner, this time software for resale in Cuba, said Chief Executive Officer Charles Phillips.

Both announcements were made at the airport, just before Cuomo and a delegation of 18 executives and academic leaders embark back to New York.

Cuomo, a Democrat, is the first US governor to visit Cuba since US President Barack Obama, and Cuba, Raul Castro announced that they would restore diplomatic relations and work to normalize trade and travel between the two countries, after more than half a century of hostility and confrontation.

Obama has used his executive authority to relieve some parts of the US economic embargo against Cuba, but need support Congress, controlled by Republicans, to completely suspend the measure and normalize trade relations.

Among the members of the trade mission were executives of JetBlue Airways, Pfizer and MasterCard.

Cuomo said the mission was intended to help New York companies to be “First going through the gates “and close trade agreements, once relieved tensions in the relationship between the US and Cuba.

“This agreement establishes a collaboration between our two institutions to develop a vaccine against lung cancer,” said Cadence, director of the Cancer Center Roswell Park on the vaccine developed by scientists at the center of Cuban research.

Phillips did not disclose the name of his new Cuban partner, but said an agreement was reached during a dinner the night before.

“We are impressed with the level of technology and expertise they have in health technology,” he said.

(Daniel Trotta Reporting)


The first virtuous cycle of production of public software – Computerworld

During the year last year, after the publication of news on the share of the new version of CACIC code inventory system, coordinated by the Ministry of Planning, I began to reflect on the symbolic value of this action simple appearance [1 ]. It is not trivial to coat a covert act for simplicity by an amount opposite parametralmente. Understand the concept of the virtuous cycle can help me defend the relevance of CACIC experience, which turns 10 in June 2015.

Alvin Toffler in his book Revolutionary Wealth, points out that in the future wealth will be generated a completely different from the current form. He mentioned that “we live in a parallel, fascinating and unexplored economy, which filled many of our vital needs without paying for it” [2]. According to Toffler, “is the combination of the economy focused on monetary aspects – money – and to that focused on intangibles – knowledge – forming what we will call Wealth System”. The virtuous cycle of the production chain and the economy are part of the Wealth System defended by Toffler.

The first decision to explain the concept of virtuous cycle was to wait a year to publish this article. This decision was justified by the intention to monitor the effects and consequences of the government initiative, which always needs a longer time for analysis. The main concern of this suspensive effect is that the conceptual discussion would not suffer the embargo of a contractual problem, which could be a natural result of a collaborative production process, or technical, due to installation problems of a new system, that is, not wanted to contaminate an analysis of the business model for a problem of contractual or technical.

For the analysis of the aspects that make up the virtuous cycle, you must invoke the beginning of public software. There are several records on the internet about the importance of CACIC inventory system for the model public software [3] and some of them should be rememorados: this is the first software owned by the federal government which was made available to society with a free license and shared in accordance with the Brazilian legal prerogatives. It is the pioneer act to Dataprev- Enterprise Information Technology Social Security, when in 2005 released the system publicly to society.

Even then, the company’s decision in partnership with the Ministry of Planning , corresponded to the first aspect of the virtuous cycle, as a public good (for software), was shared model of permissive license for society, so could take advantage of this solution and create new opportunities in service delivery. The CACIC seems to bring luck to the model, because just from the experience of this “wise Indian” was also possible to register the first results of virtuous cycle.

Although the company is benefited in general with the release of software, the government itself can also take advantage of the result of collaborative production. Based on this principle develops the second aspect of the cycle. Another public entity, the Attorney General’s Farm-PGFN, interested in CACIC system, decided to operate a system installation to make the inventory of their park. When facing some technical difficulties and the need customization tool, the institution decided to hold a contraction for the provision of services in the market, which was terminated in 2011, at which time the contract was signed, exactly six years after the CACIC was published on the website of the Brazilian Public-SPB Software.

The Prosecutor’s decision opens a third aspect which is a direct administrative authority to look for a private service provider to accelerate the process of software development. It would also be something common to such engagement was not a major accounting change: it was not more than an investment for Public Administration, but a service. The investment is related to acquisition of an asset, which hired object is not part of the activities already funded and in the future should be appropriate to the government’s equity. The contracted service does not consist in the production of material assets, so will not be incorporated into the government equity directly.

While the second aspect is related to the provision of a public entity of a software to another, it would be to some extent a seemingly simple step, the third aspect of the cycle adds an important ingredient because we have a public good with the addition of the provision of private services, which by contract the result of the service will be added back to the very public environment , supported in Portal SPB. This means, as explained in the first aspect, that after the delivery of the new version of the public good software, the whole society turned out to be benefited by the result of the contracted service.

Two other relevant facts must be recorded in this contract performed by the Attorney. First the chosen modality was the electronic trading. An arrangement that has proven generated big savings for the government [4]. The second, and that caught the attention too, was attended by seven companies at the event, demonstrating a level of competitiveness for the provision of this service. The opposite scenario envisioned by the opponents of public software model, which defended the inability of the initiative generate competitiveness.

Only the two factors above could open a series of analyzes of public software model, for two best practices are employed forcefully: the mode of electronic trading and the multitude of suppliers. But here we treat them as side effects, since Article focus is the virtuous cycle.

The cycle enters its final phase when the Ministry of Planning in legal mechanism of Accession to the price Registration Act [5], decides to hire some service items for domestic consumption and for carrying out a far-reaching inventory for the administration itself. Then characterized a fourth aspect of the cycle, as the initial relationship between the contractor (PGFN) and the contractor (private company), there is a network operation, especially in this collaborative production practices, where a third one is benefited to use the new version of a shared solution.

A fifth aspect deserves special mention due to ecosystem management model CACIC community. From the beginning, the PGFN and the Ministry of Planning, held meetings to jointly define the requirements that are hired. This means that resources were allocated more rationally, saving to the public purse and, secondly, at the same time accelerated the development process, since these were defined incremental services together.

Important strengthen the open models do not require users to give back the developed upgrades. That is, the fact of PGFN and the Ministry of Planning MP-use CACIC and hire development services, does not require that the result of contractual effort to be shared. This means that those involved need to believe in the logic of virtuous cycle to ensure that the hiring and joint management mechanism manages full results for the whole community. This is an important accumulation profiles, as the institution becomes at the same time, system user and catalyst for collaborative production process.

When investigating the path of virtuous cycle, there is everyone involved in the process earn somehow. This phenomenon can be seen in the summary of the cycle: a software developed by a public company (Dataprev), had the beneficiary a direct administrative authority (PGFN), who sought services in the market (public notice) and the results favored the contracting agency (PGFN), parallel to the offeror (Dataprev) and the third party (Ministry of Planning-MP). Then the two public agencies after the combined action, started to benefit the whole society (CACIC community).

With regard to the economic aspect the public resource (PGFN and MP) was used for the benefit of the public sector itself (Dataprev) generated business opportunity in the market (contracted private company) and the result of the development was intended for the whole society (CACIC community), including the own service provider that could not even be part of the community.

In the end, still appears a sixth aspect: the initiative of the public sector at any time prevented other business opportunities were generated for the market. The central issue is the result of the ownership regime that is public, not private, where the own chain of ownership does not prevent new business opportunities arise, because the focus is not the product but the service. The important thing is that the next contract will consider the progress made in the previous contract. In this case, it is evident the characterization of a virtuous cycle.

It is observed that the six aspects reported here to be treated in isolation appear to have some novelty. However, when mentioned conjugate and interconnected way, clearly demonstrate the existence of a virtuous cycle that generates a commonly denomidada win-win relationship. An important component of this relationship is that this “gain” end exceeds directly involved in the process, because it is an intangible developed in the collaborative production.

So the public software closes its first cycle virtuous and puts into practice a concept addressed by Alvin Toffler theoretical and his wife Heidi, in the book Revolutionary Wealth, where the two discuss the future of Wealth System is the result of monetary aspects – set up by the contracting of services from the CACIC the market – and intangible aspects – the result of the production of the new version of the system was shared with all producers and users of the chain


[1] Portal SPB:. available new version of Cacic

(last accessed 02.04.2015)

[2] Book Revolutionary Wealth – the meaning of wealth in the future, Alvin and Heidi Toffler, 2007 Publisher Future

[3] The materialization of Public Software concept:. the initiative of CACIC, Public Computing Magazine .

(last accessed 02.04.2015)

[4] Use the Electronic Auction generates savings of R $ 9.1 billion in 2013, 10 February 2014, the Ministry of Planning Portal. p = news & amp; read = 10918

(last accessed 04.02.2015)

[5] Portal SPB: price Registration Act, hiring PGFN

(last accessed 04.02.2015)

* Corinth Meffe is advisor to Serpro board.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Public Software and the first virtuous cycle of production – CIO

During the year last year, after the publication of news on the share of the new version of CACIC code inventory system, coordinated by the Ministry of Planning, I began to reflect on the symbolic value of this action simple appearance [1 ]. It is not trivial to coat a covert act for simplicity by an amount opposite parametralmente. Understand the concept of the virtuous cycle can help me defend the relevance of the experience of CACIC who turns 10 in June 2015.

Alvin Toffler in his book Revolutionary Wealth, highlights in the future wealth will be generated in a completely different form of the current. He mentioned that “We live in an economy parallel, fascinating and unexplored, in which filled many of our vital needs without paying for it” [2]. According to Toffler “is a combination of the economy focused on monetary aspects – money – and to that focused in intangibles – knowledge – forming what we will call Wealth System “. virtuous cycle the production chain and the economy do part of the Wealth System defended by Toffler.

The first decision to explain the concept of virtuous cycle was to wait a year to publish this article. This decision was justified by the intention to monitor the effects and consequences of the government initiative, which always needs a longer time for analysis. The main concern of this suspensive effect is that the conceptual discussion would not suffer the embargo of a contractual problem, which could be a natural result of a collaborative production process, or technical, due to installation problems of a new system, that is, not wanted to contaminate an analysis of the business model for a problem of contractual or technical.

For the analysis of the aspects that make up the virtuous cycle, you must invoke the beginning of public software. There are several records on the internet about the importance of CACIC inventory system for the model public software [3] and some of them should be rememorados: this is the first software owned by the federal government which was made available to society with a free license and shared in accordance with the Brazilian legal prerogatives. It is the pioneer act to Dataprev- Enterprise Information Technology Social Security, when in 2005 released the system publicly to society.

Even then, the company’s decision in partnership with the Ministry of Planning corresponded to primeir looks the virtuous cycle, as a public good ( in case a software), was shared model of permissive for the whole society , so could take advantage of this solution and create new opportunities in service delivery. The CACIC seems to bring luck to the model, because just from the experience of this “wise Indian” was also possible to register the first results of virtuous cycle.

Although the company is benefited in general with the release of software, the government itself can also take advantage of the result of collaborative production. Based on this principle develops the SECOND appearance cycle. Another public entity, the Attorney General’s Farm-PGFN, interested in CACIC system, decided to operate a system installation to make the inventory of their park. When facing some technical and the customization necessary tool difficulties, the institution decided to perform a contraction to provide services on the market , whose was terminated in 2011, at which time the contract was signed, exactly six years after the CACIC was published on the website of the Brazilian Public Software-SPB.

The Prosecutor’s decision is introducing a THIRD appearance which is to Direct one administrative authority to look for a private service provider to accelerate the process of software development. It would also be something common to such engagement was not a major accounting change: it was not more than an investment for Public Administration , but a service . The investment is related to acquisition of an asset, which hired object is not part of the activities already funded and in the future should be appropriate to the government’s equity. The contracted service does not consist in the production of material assets, so will not be incorporated into the government equity directly.

While the second aspect is related to the provision of a public entity of a software to another, it would be to some extent a seemingly simple step, the third aspect of the cycle adds an important ingredient because we have a public good with the addition of the provision of private services, which by contract the result of the service will be added back to the very public environment , supported in Portal SPB. This means, as explained in the first aspect, that after the delivery of the new version of the public good software, the whole society turned out to be benefited by the result of the contracted service.

Two other relevant facts must be recorded in this contract performed by the Attorney. First the chosen modality was the electronic trading. An arrangement that has proven generated big savings for the government [4]. The second, and that caught the attention too, was attended by seven companies at the event, demonstrating a level of competitiveness for the provision of this service. The opposite scenario envisioned by the opponents of public software model, which defended the inability of the initiative generate competitiveness.

Only the two factors above could open a series of analyzes of public software model, for two best practices are employed forcefully: the mode of electronic trading and the multitude of suppliers. But here we treat them as side effects, since Article focus is the virtuous cycle.

The cycle enters its final phase when the Ministry of Planning in legal mechanism of Accession to the price Registration Act [5], decides to hire some service items for domestic consumption and for carrying out a far-reaching inventory for the administration itself. It is characterized so a fourth aspect cycle because the initial relationship between the contractor (PGFN) and the contractor (private company), arises A the network operation, especially in this collaborative production practices, where a third one is benefited p ara use the new version of a shared solution.

fifth Appearance deserves special mention due to ecosystem management model CACIC community. From the beginning, the PGFN and the Ministry of Planning, held meetings to jointly define the requirements that are hired. This means that resources have been allocated so more rational , saving to the public purse and, secondly, at the same time accelerated development process , since these were defined incremental services together.

Important strengthen the open models do not require users to give back the developed upgrades. That is, the fact of PGFN and the Ministry of Planning MP-use CACIC and hire development services, does not require that the result of contractual effort to be shared. This means that those involved need to believe in the logic of virtuous cycle to ensure that the hiring and joint management mechanism manages full results for the whole community. This is an important accumulation profiles, as the institution becomes at the same time, system user and catalyst for collaborative production process.

When investigating the path of virtuous cycle, there is everyone involved in the process earn somehow. This phenomenon can be seen in the summary of the cycle: a software developed by a public company (Dataprev), had the beneficiary a direct administrative authority (PGFN), who sought services in the market (public notice) and the results favored the contracting agency (PGFN), parallel to the offeror (Dataprev) and the third party (Ministry of Planning-MP). Then the two public agencies after the combined action, started to benefit the whole society (CACIC community).

With regard to the economic aspect the public resource (PGFN and MP) was used for the benefit of the public sector itself (Dataprev) generated business opportunity in the market (contracted private company) and the result of the development was intended for the whole society (CACIC community), including the own service provider that could not even be part of the community.

In the end, give rise to yet sixth look : in i tive of the public sector in time some prevented other business opportunities were generated for the market . The central issue is the result of the ownership regime that is public, not private, where the own chain of ownership does not prevent new business opportunities arise, because the focus is not the product but the service. The important thing is that the next contract will consider the progress made in the previous contract. In this case, it is evident the characterization of a virtuous cycle.

It is observed that the six aspects reported here to be treated in isolation appear to have some novelty. However, when mentioned conjugate and interconnected way, clearly demonstrate the existence of a virtuous cycle that generates a commonly denomidada win-win relationship. An important component of this relationship is that this “gain” end exceeds directly involved in the process, because it is an intangible developed in the collaborative production.

So the public software closes its first cycle virtuous and puts into practice a concept addressed by Alvin Toffler theoretical and his wife Heidi, in the book Revolutionary Wealth, where the two discuss the future of Wealth System is the result of monetary aspects – set up by the contracting of services from the CACIC the market – and intangible aspects – the result of the production of the new version of the system was shared with all producers and users of the chain


[1] Portal SPB: available new version of Cacic

(last accessed 02.04.2015)

[2] Book Revolutionary Wealth – the meaning of wealth in the future, Alvin and Heidi Toffler 2007, Publisher Futura.

[3] The realization of the concept of Public Software: the initiative of CACIC, Public Computer Magazine

(last accessed 02.04.2015) .

[4] Use of Electronic Auction generates R $ 9 economy, 1 billion in 2013, 10 February 2014, the Ministry of Planning Portal.

(last accessed 02.04.2015)

[5] Portal SPB: price Registration Act, hiring PGFN

(last accessed 02.04.2015) (*) Corinth Meffe is advisor to the board SERPRO

Monday, April 20, 2015

Google makes it smart watches with software update – Info Online

Google makes, on Monday (20), smart watches with system Android Wear independent of smartphones. Through a software update, the products gain support for connecting Wi-Fi , a novelty that, according to Google, allows full operation even when there is no cellular paired via Bluetooth.

The LG Watch Urbane will be the first smartwatch to receive this update. According to Google. all other Android Wear line of watches also won the update soon. This includes models available in Brazil:. 360 Moto, LG G Watch Sony SmartWatch and 2

[Review: Moto 360]

Features such as monitoring steps in walking or jogging always achieved by smartwatches without pairing with a smartphone -. and at that point, nothing changes

Another new arrive to devices with the new software version. The owners of smart watches with Google’s system may hear songs that are played on your smartphone directly over the Internet, thereby eliminating the need to be on the same network. The devices do not need, for example, even being in the same environment, since they are pre-paired to enable data transmission.

With a wrist spin, the user can interact with a smart watch. With a move toward the body, you can return to the previous screen.

There is also a function that gives more clock way to devices with Android Wear. When looking at the display, it lights up and shows the main notifications the moment and the time

Drawing emojis -. For faster answers, Google’s software has won support for emojis. But how to use is different from what we are used in smartphones. The user must draw the emoji you want to send to a contact, to reply to a message, and the device will recognize and send the icon that best expresses your reaction when

Market -. The software update comes just days before the launch of Apple Watch in nine countries, held on April 24. Only pre-sale phase of the device, it might exceed the figure of 720 000 smartwatches with Android Wear system. Have been marketed over 2 million units of Apple Watch .


Friday, April 17, 2015

Senac supports achievement of the Latin American Free Software Festival – Tribune Today

The Senac is a partner of the Latin American Free Software Installation Festival (FLISoL), the largest Free Software event disclosure in Latin America. This year the festival will be held on April 25, from 8:30 am to 17h, in the State College Humberto Mendes, located in the San Francisco neighborhood in Alagoas municipality of Palmeira dos Indios.

The purpose of the event is to promote the use of Free Software, revealing to the public its philosophy, scope, progress and development. Free registration at:. Http://
