Friday, April 10, 2015

US military want to create a run software without … – Info Online

The research department of the Armed Forces of the United States (DARPA, its acronym in English) wants to develop software capable of running over a century without becoming obsolete.

Called “Building Research Systems of Adaptive Software “(BRASS, in English), the project seeks to create a new software that can use hardware advances and updates in engineering programs without the need for major corrections or adding lines of code for decades.

Programs that can adapt and evolve alone can ensure that the information stored is still accessible today many years later, and ensure that the system protections will continue to work in the future.

“While systems modern software continue to increase their capacity and complexity, users were accustomed to periodic cycles update and upgrade to avoid obsolescence – a process that is sometimes frustrating, “said DARPA in a statement

According to the summary. the project, the US government department is open to receiving suggestions from anyone who has good ideas about it.

“The DARPA needs innovative research proposals in the areas of formal methods, analysis programs, design and runtime implementation and to find tools to build adaptive software systems for long life. “

BRASS will try to create a software architecture able to run for 100 years without the need for large corrections, as in 2000 the turn and hysteria caused by the “millennium bug”.

“Technology evolves inevitably, but generally corresponding changes in libraries, extensions, protocols, features and models components in a software ecosystem weaken the applications behavior, “says program manager at DARPA, Suresh Jagannathan.


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