Luiz Queiroz and Ana Paula Lobo … 08/04/2015 … Digital convergence
The government hit the hammer and is preparing the first call to buy shelf software in the price of registration ata model. The intention is to have this year or at the latest at the beginning of next year, an edit to acquisition systems such as database, firewall and other components of the safety area, or even operating systems through joint procurement processes to enjoy the economies of scale in the acquisition of these solutions.
According to the secretary of SLTI, Cristiano Heckert, next year the government will launch tender for printing outsourcing. There are also scheduled conclusion of the joint procurement process to purchase videoconferencing platforms. Next is to come joint purchasing shelf software as well as the resumption of purchases of PCs and notebooks, fought for more than three years by a court decision brought by one of the vendors took part in a contest.
Heckert did not provide details about the software purchases, but noted that the secretariat has gained expertise in the subject after studying the new decisions that will take the issue of audit of embedded systems in network assets involving security for the government in the storage of information sensitive. “It’s a process and we are walking safely, to reach a purchasing model for such systems, which can meet the security needs of federal agencies” he said.
The Secretariat Logistics and Information Technology (SLTI) also should retormar if possible this year, the process of buying PCs and notebooks, which ended challenged in court by a supplier for over three years. To date the government fight in court for the resumption of buying computers and now requested the help of AGU (Attorney General’s Office) to the defense of the lawsuit.
“What we is evaluating and talking up directly with the participating agencies of the bid is whether the delay would not have caused the obsolescence of the technical specifications of those devices, “said Cristiano. According to him, as time goes you win the argument conducting a new bidding process.
But the concern to seek the support of the AGU goes far beyond the issue of unlocking the litigation with a supplier. “We want to ensure that any new purchase does not fall into the same problem that led to the questioning of judiccial first purchase copnjunta,” said Secretary of SLTI.
For him, the important thing is that the AGU prevents any rebidding runs again in the judiciary under the same arguments the first which was fought. “A stalemate again for the same reason only serves the interests of those who do not want to see the government making joint purchases brought huge gains to the public coffers,” afimou.
The shared purchasing model with other agencies has been used in sessions that resulted in savings. The process was done, for example, the acquisition of telephone packages and, more recently, the purchase of 2,889 edge switches in trading overcome with Seal Telecom / Huawei and went for € 19.65 million, a savings of 50 02% from the estimated starting price – R $ 39.3 million
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