Tuesday, January 6, 2015

DivX bought … and the edge of the end – Exame Informática

In 2000, the DivX codec had everything to be confused with a competitor disc format with the DVD, which only allowed screenings for 48 hours – and that would fail. Unlike DIVX, DivX video compression codec, created by the French Jerome Rota from the transformation of Microsoft technologies would eventually reach the heights of fame on the Internet – much under tremendous demand for pirated content and the ability to compression that allowed “fit” on a CD a film that occupied a DVD. After 15 years the CD came into disuse -. And DivX again change hands, taking another step towards its end

According to the Variety , the codec DivX and the homonymous company that has just been sold to NeuLion for an amount of 62.5 million dollars. The acquisition is aimed at the use of DivX technology in the launch of Internet video transmission services in 4K resolution.

In addition to technology, NeuLion will be focused on ensuring the portfolio of 200 million customers (using a total of one billion devices) that still use the DivX video players.

Judging from the attempts that led to the purchase of technology and business – the DivX brand will be even discontinued

In less than a year, is the second time that DivX is sold.. A year ago, the Rovi had sold DivX investment funds Parallax Capital Partners and StepStone Group. This first transaction was valued at $ 75 million.

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