The educator Ana Carla Vagliati and the programmer William Berghäuser developed free software against sexual violence. (Photo: Camila Domingues / Handout).
Sexual violence is a major concern for parents of children and adolescents, and are currently still few studies that provide support for professionals working with the victims. Thinking of this lack, the teacher Ana Carla Vagliati and the programmer William Berghäuser developed a free software project, as yet unnamed, to be tool for teachers to identify and prevent, through comics, sexual violence. The proposal was presented on Wednesday (08) at the 16th International Free Software Forum (FISL) in Porto Alegre.
Novena, the first notebook done with software free
Researchers point out that due to the routine of children and adolescents who spend much of their time in school, in 44% of cases of sexual violence the teacher is the first person to know and, in 52% of the teaching is the first adult to have knowledge about the issue. It is common, however, that educators do not know how to handle the situation, for lack of training and even material that may support your actions.
In this sense, the project Ana Carla and William seeks help educators to treat, in the classroom, a “emancipatory sex education”, as they say, “for the teacher to work more openly, without taboos, without prejudice, and still can make the prevention and identification of sexual violence” defends Ana Carla Vagliati. It reminds also that the tool can be useful to all professionals working in the diagnosis of violence, so they can refer victims to the correct treatment of trauma that this type of crime entails.
The software will have characters of all ages and genders: men and women, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. This will allow teachers and students also can tell stories in which violence can be identified. “We found that the child has difficulty speaking about violence; it is easier to draw … in diagnoses of child victims of violence they draw a lot about the fact what happens, “explains Guilherme Berghäuser.
No tool release date, that course conclusion work Programmer. The project is free software to facilitate the dissemination and use of the tool. “We want the community to contribute and teachers have access (the software); for this it needs to be open, “says Guilherme. [The EBC]
Watch the interview below with the proposal creators:
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