Friday, July 17, 2015

Portuguese police “caught” the order of software … – Left

An Italian company accused of selling communications spy electronic means to various dictatorships saw your emails published by Wikileaks. Among them are contacts of the Judicial Police, which was interested in interception system IP addresses

July 16, 2015 -. 15: 18h

The Hacking Team had long targeted by human rights organizations because of their business with the governments of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Morocco, Azerbaijan, among others. The complaints that the surveillance programs acquired the company served to persecute journalists, opposition figures and human rights activists have made the company a target for hackers.

Earlier this month, the company’s information 400Gb were shared on the Internet, including emails with state and private clients. The Wikileaks revealed emails, where the exchange of correspondence between the management of the company with the Chamber of Crime Research and Information Technology of the Judicial Police.

The PJ tried interception software IP addresses (the “dwelling” of internet users) and said that the company had been recommended by the Italian Ministry of Interior. The contacts have advanced from March until the end of June, when the Hacking Team set out to do a demonstration of the software “Remote Control System” in Lisbon.

Contacted by ComputerWorld site, the coordinator of the criminal investigation of the National Cybercrime Unit says that the meeting in Lisbon did not actually occur and that the exchange of emails have not passed an “exploratory contact”, as than the PJ made with other computer monitoring of companies in the sector, acting “with all legality.”

Carlos Goatherd also said that the security breach that affected the Italian company left its “damaged reputations” and therefore they are not expected future contacts with the Hacking Team, despite the exchange of emails PJ have said that solution offered met “key requirements” intended by the Portuguese police.

In June last year, Hacking Team was confronted with the UN committee that monitors sanctions on Sudan because of computer espionage material sale, but the company refused to cooperate, arguing that it was not the arms sale. Months later, the Italian government froze the company’s material exports, but the measure was repealed shortly after, thanks to the lobbying action of the company with high Italian military officers.

The lack of scruples with respect human rights of their customers was demonstrated in an email of their leader other leaders of the company, the purpose of the NGO activists’ concerns: “Since this morning I am very cheerful, I leave you this one question: WHY TELL ME PLEASE one only country “democratic” it does not violate anyone’s rights and have a FULLY record straight with regard to human rights “asked David Vincenzetti.


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