Monday, February 29, 2016

New Portal of the Brazilian Public Software streamlines the use of … – News Portal of the Federal Senate

The Brazilian Public Software Portal is a public organ systems sharing space, but not only the Executive, although it is managed by the Ministry of Planning, and not only at the federal level. It is a simple and easy to use platform, which already has 83 systems geared to the needs of managers, entrepreneurs, teachers, students and citizens.

This is the picture of what has been developed by dozens of actors, explains the Secretary of Technology Ministry of Planning Information, Cristiano Heckert. The result of this work – a partnership between the Ministry, the University of Brasilia (UNB) and the Interlegis Program – is economy, flexibility and transparency, ensures Heckert

-. We are not starting scratch, the collaborative spirit that we have identified the Collab [virtual environment Interlegis program in which communities of practice relate] was very important and decided to bring it – said the secretary. He cites the Collab initiatives with content management and mailing lists as an example.

The construction of the Brazilian Public Software Portal (SPB) follows this community system, which includes users and developers. Any body can make use of the available solutions and, thus, avoid investing in something that already exists. The software is divided into categories such as economy, health, education, administration, communications, energy and sanitation.

The Ministry develops the Portal since 2013 and together with the UNB has incorporated innovations. Until then, the focus was on the development environment, according to Heckert. Late last year, the new version, more advanced, was made available to all users and has aroused interest even outside of Brazil

-. Now, we are encouraging agencies to register in the system, which has today nearly five thousand active users, including government officials, academia, businesses and ordinary citizens – Heckert said

the SPB has several features, such as software catalog with search, page for each community lists. discussion, news, hit counter, collaborative development environment, space to report the use of software, benefiting people and resources saved, among others.

Examples economy

the solutions being developed and shared in SPB – as in Interlegis program, only this one is geared primarily to the legislature – represent savings resources often difficult to measure. But Heckert cites an example: only the Ministry of Agriculture failed to spend $ 6 million with a solution that would develop, but found the Portal. And only federal agencies, are 200 registered in the SPB.

Another example came from Santa Catarina, where a city had developed a school management system (grades, attendance, enrollment, distribution of students and teachers) that available, was adopted by the Government of the Federal District, 650 schools with nearly 450,000 students. Only in Brasilia, there was a savings of $ 91 million.

As such, there are several others, such as the system for daily control and passes the government or municipal government, or the electronic information system, we want to end the processing of paper. Most of them are focused on process efficiency and management and can be found and adopted by any public institution.

According to him, these innovations are available and attracted the attention of several countries. The Electronic Government of Latin America and the Caribbean is a group that you want to use the system, and other South American countries individually, such as Chile and Argentina, or even outside the continent.

The Coordination of Information Technology Interlegis informs you want, as soon as possible, incorporate into their environment the major improvements produced by the Ministry of Planning and the UNB in ​​the original Collab software.

from the Interlegis press office

Senate Agency (may be reproduced provided the Senate Agency)


Nutanix announced software for enterprise cloud – Bitmag

The release also includes functionality Acropolis App Mobility Fabric (AMF) with software updates that give IT teams the freedom to choose the environment virtualization right for your applications. Even as a novelty has the Prism Pro, data center automation solution with a single search interface and customizable dashboards that bring simplicity to a diverse set of IT operations

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

AMD launches beta version of the Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver … – PCGuia

AMD disponbilizou the beta version of the Radeon driver Software Crimson Edition 16.2, which includes performance enhancements to the new version of the benchmark tool ‘Ashes of the Singularity’ to Rise of the Tomb Raider, as well as new CrossFire profiles for Tom Clancy’s the Division and XCOM 2. it also contains bug fixes for the titles Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4.

AMD also announced that the GPU series Radeon R9 390, Nano and Fury received certification ‘VR Recommended’ thanks to SteamVR Performance Test Valve tool.

the beta version of the Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver 16.2 is available for download on this website, AMD.

Via TechPowerUp.


Software industry is transforming and re-writing business … – IT Forum 365

Until recently, much of the technology market mirava hardware and its innovations. But the era of ‘all set for software’ has come to transform the information technology (IT) sector, much in the wake of evolution of mobile devices and applications , which CA Technologies defines Economy . applications of

Today, everything – or almost everything – is done via application: call taxi, pay bills, exchange messages … There is no denying the power of the current apps in personal and professional life. “The software is, in fact, transforming business today and applications are at the center of an unprecedented revolution,” says John Fabio Valentin, Vice President of Sales Solutions Enterprise Management CA for Latin America.

The change is so big and impactful that the manufacturer itself has had to adapt to the new reality and change its position in the market, which is now based on three pillars: Agile management, DevOps, which implies the rapid development of solutions, and security based on APIs .

In this new economy, Raymond Brancato, senior vice president of Sales Solutions CA, notes that the manufacturer sought different ways to help its customers to be faster and more efficient by automating, for example, test areas in search of the envisioned agility. Fans leaders in this approach, he says, are sectors such as financial services, telecommunications and retail. And, he said, the CA is well positioned in the market to help companies of all sizes and segments in the transformation .

“And that was never as before the user experience has been in the spotlight, “says Brancato, adding that people demand a quick experience in applications and no longer wait for their loading. “We are aware of it,” he adds.

And the future of this economy-driven applications? For Brancato, new totally disruptive applications, as are Uber and Airbnb , will emerge to change the rules of the game. “I believe that in two years, the major players in this market will turn so that not imagine and new businesses will emerge,” says the executive, highlighting the financial industry that today has the technology and applications your advantage.


For Tim Cook, collaborating with the FBI would create software … – Digital Look

During an interview given to ABC News US news last night, Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, stated that, in his opinion, submit to the FBI orders in case the shooter San Bernardino would create “the equivalent in software , to cancer. “

” the only way [to unlock the iPhone] would write a piece of software that we see as a kind of equivalent in software, to cancer. We think it’s a bad idea to write it and we never would write, “Cook said.

This was the first public appearance of Cook after Apple published an open letter in which he refused to submit to a court decision that required the company burlasse the safety of their iPhones. For the CEO, the central issue of the case is whether “the government could force Apple to write software that would let vulnerable hundreds of thousands of consumers worldwide.”

Cook also stated that company has cooperated with the investigation. “They came to us and asked for all the information we had about this phone, and we gave everything. But this case is not about a cell phone. This case is about the future,” he said.

CEO Apple also admitted that “to oppose his government in a matter that does not seem right to you” is a position “very uncomfortable”, but you want to “stand firm on this principle.” “There are probably more iformação about you on your smartphone than in your whole house,” he said.


Indra takes on software testing and integrate the SAP ERP in Vivo and GVT – Computerworld

Indra signed new contracts with Telefonica Brazil to perform software testing and integrating processes based on SAP Vivo and GVT. The company maintains a relationship for some years and currently more than 600 professional provider providing support to IT operator.

The first project includes the execution of application tests, as well as the implementation and integration of tools to improve service to customers Telco through control and automation tools.

“testing services meet all the demands of evolutionary development and integration of new solutions other systems over a period of four years, “said Indra, who provide support from the Labs Software that keeps in Campinas (SP) and Goiânia (GO).

the provider will also see to it the integration of all SAP-based processes Vivo and GVT, a company acquired by Telefónica Group. Projects include the ERP implementation of the German provider.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Nutanix announced software for enterprise cloud – Magazine BIT Computer for everyone.

The release also includes functionality Acropolis App Mobility Fabric (AMF) with software updates that give IT teams the freedom to choose the environment virtualization right for your applications. Even as a novelty has the Prism Pro, data center automation solution with a single search interface and customizable dashboards that bring simplicity to a diverse set of operations TI.



IRS launches programs to declare IR 2016 – canaltech (Blog)

For Writing | 25/02/2016 at 10h36 – Updated on 02/25/2016 at 15h36

 Le & # XE3, the

the earlier can already download from this Thursday ( 25), the PIT 2016 necessary for the composition of the declaration of income tax in 2016, and the Receitanet 2016 , responsible for transmitting the document. The IRS has released the download of the software through its official website, with versions for Windows, Linux Mac and Solaris.

in addition to these, the Lion also promises the launch of an issue of applications for phones and tablets, which has not yet been released. For computers, are two downloads required – the PIT in 2016, used to fill the necessary data and make the statement; and Receitanet, which is responsible for forwarding the document to the body.

Software for previous years do not work, and, as always, you must install the latest version. Depending on the taxpayer needs, additional programs can also be used to fill special information, such as Carnet-Lion software, Rural Activity and Capital Gains in Brazil or in foreign currency. All are also available on the IRS website.

The statements can be filled already, of course, but can only be transmitted from March 1. After the date, the term extends until April 29, which is the final day for transmission of income tax returns to the IRS. The ideal, however, is not to leave things to the last minute and do as soon as possible, since the Lion’s domain, notoriously, is unstable at times of high demand, which may hamper the delivery of documents on the deadline.

download the PIT app 2016

Source: Internal Revenue

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SoftexRecife offers free course on new Engineering … – NE10


Developers, to bind this opportunity:

the staff of SoftexRecife, in partnership with the galley promotes, will hold tomorrow (better known as Friday , 26) a short course on how to apply the key concepts of Essence. – providing for the use of agile practices for software development

the training will be free, with guidance of master in Systems and Computer Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and consultant in the implementation of adherent processes ISO 9001, Agile Methods and CMMI quality models and MPS (looking carteirada!) Analia Irigoyen.

It’s good to run because the course it is already tomorrow, from 9h to 13h, and are only 15 vacancies. The class will be in the auditorium of ITBC business, located in Guia, 142, Recife District. The course is intended for managers, analysts, software developers and architects, and need to understand the main concepts of Agile

On the agenda:. What is Essence, principles: Areas, Things To work with , Things to do; Software Engineering in mobility; discussion practices (SCRUM, Kanban Management 3.0, XP, Lean, etc.), and Agility x Essence x Other Standards Mapping (MPS, CMMi and ISO / IEC 29110).

To participate, you need to up to see the

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Volkswagen promises trading software that fraud legislation … – CenárioMT

The Director of Government Affairs of Volkswagen Brazil, Antonio Megale engineer, spoke to the CPI of Cybercrime on Thursday (25). He acknowledged the existence of software in the cars of the brand that identifies the vehicles are being tested and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This control is turned off in normal shooting situations, causing polluting cars beyond the level required in environmental legislation around the world.

The software is only installed on diesel cars. In Brazil, a single model, the Amarok pickup truck produced in Argentina and marketed between 2011 and 2012, has the defect. Are 17,057 cars that must pass a recall this semester for the exchange of software.

The Volkswagen came to be fined by IBAMA, but appealed the fine. The company’s engineer Antonio Megale said tests concluded that greenhouse gas emissions in these cars meet the limits of Brazilian legislation.

“We have already shown Ibama the results of numerous tests we did in Brazil and Germany where we show that at no time the emission limits have been exceeded, but still is within our program the installation of a new software that is in the final certification phase through a recall campaign, without prejudice to any customer . “

Lack of punishment

 Mr JHC (PSB-AL), author of the request for hearing, said that cybercrime can happen online or offline. The existence of software that swindle the law, he said, is cause for concern. He complained about the delay in replacing the program and criticized the fact that the company even has paid the fine.

Gustavo Lima / House of Representatives public hearing for taking testimony from the director of government Affairs of Volkswagen Brazil and 1st vice president of Anfavea, Antonio Megale Dep JHC (SD-AL).. Mr JHC: we need to protect law and punish companies

“Brazil is still very lenient with these things if we compare it with what happened in other countries and what we adopt. What was the exemplary measure, which was the lesson, what was in relation to this case? Even to serve as an example for future devices that may appear, because that there can be one of the first of so many other cases that may arise in the world, “said the deputy.” My concern is to protect the Brazilian legislation to punish those who eventually try to use this same medium, “JHC added.

in addition to proposing stricter legislation for this type of crime, Mr JHC suggested that the CPI continue to follow the case and ask the Ibama on application of the fine to Volskwagen.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Apple CEO accuses FBI: they asked us to create “software … – Express

Apple’s CEO criticized late on Wednesday (early on Thursday in Portugal) the fact that only have known “by the media” the requirement FBI for your company crisis as a “back door” that give them access to encrypted data on iPhones. In his first public interview since rejected that requirement, even promised to fight it in court.

“I do not think that we should manage it that way,” said Tim Cook in an interview with ABC, broadcast on American television . “I do not think that such an important thing for the country as it should be managed in this way,” he said.

close to the investigation Source of US agency denies this version, saying the same channel that “just it is not true, “and ensuring that Apple’s legal team was” the first to know “the FBI’s willingness to unlock the iPhone Syed Rizwan Farook, the Pakistani descent of American who, in December, killed 14 people shot in San Bernardino , declaring himself a sympathizer of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (Daesh).

according to “the New York Times,” Apple is already working to strengthen the security of their devices, making it harder attacks hackers. The paper says that these improvements to be implemented in the new iPhone models, will “make it impossible” that Apple help US authorities to create what Cook calls the “back door” – an “equivalent software to cancer “that opens a” serious precedent “and that puts at risk the safety and privacy of any Apple user.

There are three days,” National Public Radio “advanced that on 70 different occasions in the past,” there were situations “equal to that, a week ago, opened this war between Apple and the US Department of Justice, and that, in all of them, the company” decided to accept the court order “to allow the government access to encrypted data on iPhones. The guarantee was left by Susan Hennessey, a lawyer who worked at the National Security Agency (NSA) who now works at the Brookings Institute. According to the expert, the security of Apple devices circumvented by the company was made public at a court hearing in October.

Also earlier this week, the US media reported that half of the US population supports the FBI against Apple in this case. A poll by the Pew Research Center, conducted immediately after the fight vs. Apple Government was made public last week, shows that 51% of Americans support the requirements of the government and 38% is on the side of the technology company. On the contrary, he points to “Fortune” magazine, most cyber users who have spoken about it defends the attitude of Apple.

In response to the refusal of Tim Cook to create a software to circumvent the encryption data iPhone Farook, the government accused the company of being more interested than marketing to combat terrorism. In response to these accusations, the San Bernardino Police Department blamed the FBI for the disappearance of device data – saying that, in the shooting aftermath of this California county, the federal agency demanded a technical police to do reset the password iCloud Farook.

under the Apple security measures, the company began to implement in the iPhone after the first reports of massive and illegal surveillance of citizens by the NSA made by Edward Snowden in 2013, when they fail ten attempts password in the process, the encrypted data is deleted from the device.


E-Storage partners with Elastic for free software tools – Digital Convergence

The E-Storage, a company specializing in enterprise search, has partnered with the American Elastic to deliver to the Brazilian market a solution with corporate format similar search of a typical search engine portals.

Unlike other tools on the market, the Elastic Search allows complete customization to be adapted to the demand of each company. analytics capabilities, Big Data, crossing and transport information, monitoring logs, load balancing and pointing cyber attacks complement the tool.

With the partnership, E-Storage, says the director of company, Eduardo Guimarães, the goal is that sales due to the new partnership meet in 2016 for 30% of sales, which in 2015 closed at R $ 10 million.

“the subscription Elastic offers official plugins for security monitoring and alerting, as well as version upgrades, bug fixes, technical support SLA and technical support engineers own north American manufacturer for architecture and development, “says the executive. The official training are taught by professionals from the Elastic.

In this case, adds Guimarães, technicians from the US directly to enable users and consultants in the tool. Besides the enterprise search solution, E-Storage also works with the ES-Hadoop solution, the Elastic, Big Data software. The Elastic the search tool totaling more than 40 million downloads and is used by companies like Facebook, Uber and Amazon.

The E-Storage is headquartered in São Leopoldo, in Rio Grande do Sul, is a partner Google offers its own solutions such as software for audio-text transcription Data Bucket STT (Speech to text).


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

New software optimizes entrepreneurial cloud environments – IP News

Acropolis Computing Platform provides performance improvement for companies

 cloud companies the nutanix announced the latest version its computing platform Acropolis 4.6, which offers up to 4x performance improvement in entrepreneurial cloud environments. The release includes more than 25 improvements in software that increases system performance compared to previous versions.

The release also includes the Acropolis App Mobility Fabric functionality with software updates that give IT teams the freedom choosing the right virtualization environment for your applications. Even as new we Prism Pro, data center automation solution with a single search interface and customizable dashboards that bring simplicity to a diverse set of IT operations.

The tool allows companies have complete freedom to choose the right hypervisor for each environment (VMWare, Microsoft, Amazon or nutanix) without being locked into one vendor. The nutanix solution for building and enterprise cloud delivery agility management, payment demand and simplicity in operation.

“The nutanix has been an innovator important in hiperconvergente market and has played a key role in driving and rapid adoption technology in a very short period of time. This release shows that nutanix intends to continue taking the hiperconvergência forward, helping to bring key elements of an enterprise cloud data center of all sizes. ” Eric Sheppard, IDC’s research director.

“The nutanix is ​​moving beyond hiperconvergência for providing companies with the basic elements of an enterprise cloud. His MFA solution – Fabric Application Mobility enables companies of all sizes to seamlessly and without interruption, put your application workloads in hybrid cloud at the right time; whether in a data center in local private cloud or public cloud environments as AWS. ” Colm Keegan, Senior Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

New software translates emoticons for the visually impaired – Folha de S.Paulo

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TIM and Artplan agency developed sounds translate 68 emoticons in onomatopoeia so that visually impaired people are able to understand them in a fast and fun way.

The noises may be included in a software that reads aloud the computer screen called NVDA (acronym for non-visual access to the desktop).

When in the text appear an emoticon of a kiss, for example, the software will play the sound.

The system is designed to be free for customers of all operators, says Rodolfo Medina, president of Artplan. “The idea is to include those who were out of the conversation,” he says.

Click here to listen to the sounds.


Network invests in self and model of more personalized snack

All the hundred units that Bob’s plans to open this year will have the self-service model. The system allows the customer to choose a snack and pay with your card without going to the box.

In addition, consumers can set up personalized dishes, with size options, sauces and supplements, instead of choosing only between the traditional recipes of sandwiches.

“That model of fast-food standard, with combos already defined, has lost relevance. The customer wants to have influence in everything they purchase, whether to choose the detail,” says Marcello Farrell, director-general from the Web.

The configuration service is already deployed in more than 200 units of the brand fast food.

It is expected that the Group invest R $ 150 million this year, with the opening and the upgrading units.

With the system, the franchisee pays out a higher value to equip the store, but can have two employees per shift less than an equivalent project without the model.

Despite the opening of 102 outlets in the past year, the brand said the consumer profile has changed with the worsening crisis.

“When the economy was favorable, we could see an increase in customers from classes C and D. Now, consumers with higher incomes spent attending the network more frequently. This helped to rethink the configuration service. ”


is the total units of Bob’s open until the end of 2015

R $ 280 MIL
is the minimum investment to open a kiosk of the

R $ 750 MIL
is the initial cost of a store



New President the CNseg (National Confederation of Insurance Companies), Marcio Coriolanus wants to see implemented three old demands of the sector in its management.

The first is the popular auto insurance, with lower prices and use of remanufactured parts, cheaper.

“It is being studied in Susep and hope it comes out this year. The auto insurance segment is expected to reach to grow between 3.5% and 5%,” says Coriolanus.

Another awaited product, which is in public consultation, is a form of life insurance that will redeem a portion of the total value, according to the executive.

The third request also being studied in Susep, it is a pension product with tax incentives, which are in the United States, which has the drawing attached to the payment of health insurance monthly.

Also president of Bradesco Saúde, the executive takes the CNseg officially next Thursday (25). “In 2016, the sector estimates a growth not exceeding 10%,” he says.

Last year, the increase was 11.4%, with a total of R $ 364.2 billion -the final data from SUSEP has not left.



The luxury market is down and part of this decline can be fault of the emerging countries, especially of Chinese consumers.

The proof is that there was a fall of 10.95% in 2015 in the Dow Jones Luxury Index, which includes companies that French -the segment Louis Vuitton BMW Germany.

“The industry brands have emerging markets as business drivers and sought them an army of new consumers,” recalls Gabriele Zuccarelli, Bain.

The luxury shopping in the Asian country had decline of 2% between 2014 and 2015, according to research consultancy.

By the time this engine loses power, he recalls, the dependence was larger and more brands felt in a context in which to sell for more mature markets such as Europe, also was not an option.

“An anti-corruption law in China also limits the number of expensive gifts that can be given. The consumer has also bought more outside the country than inside.”

LUXURY IN LOW – Luxury Index Dow Jones in US $ million





Full Tilt’s software will be Market Retired, Sales Was Not … – Pokernews

full tilt

the merger of Full Tilt (FT) with PokerStars will cause the FT software withdrawn from the market. The Rational Group confirmed this withdrawal and ruled out any possibility of the sale.

Another advanced information was on the Full Tilt Online Poker Series (FTOPS) , the competition yesterday pulled the FT will be last contested in software that all we used .

the competition will continue to take place but the PokerStars software. Regarding the series Full Tilt Classics, which would result in the same time as the WCOOP, there is no information about its continuation.

At this point it is also known that there are no plans to change the tournament schedule, one since it was analyzed and modified weekly entry, or not, new players can make something change.

As Full Tilt will be a PokerStars skin, the FT’s avatars will continue to be available only in the skin. The whole operation is still scheduled for spring and there were no further details advanced.

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