The Brazilian Public Software Portal is a public organ systems sharing space, but not only the Executive, although it is managed by the Ministry of Planning, and not only at the federal level. It is a simple and easy to use platform, which already has 83 systems geared to the needs of managers, entrepreneurs, teachers, students and citizens.
This is the picture of what has been developed by dozens of actors, explains the Secretary of Technology Ministry of Planning Information, Cristiano Heckert. The result of this work – a partnership between the Ministry, the University of Brasilia (UNB) and the Interlegis Program – is economy, flexibility and transparency, ensures Heckert
-. We are not starting scratch, the collaborative spirit that we have identified the Collab [virtual environment Interlegis program in which communities of practice relate] was very important and decided to bring it – said the secretary. He cites the Collab initiatives with content management and mailing lists as an example.
The construction of the Brazilian Public Software Portal (SPB) follows this community system, which includes users and developers. Any body can make use of the available solutions and, thus, avoid investing in something that already exists. The software is divided into categories such as economy, health, education, administration, communications, energy and sanitation.
The Ministry develops the Portal since 2013 and together with the UNB has incorporated innovations. Until then, the focus was on the development environment, according to Heckert. Late last year, the new version, more advanced, was made available to all users and has aroused interest even outside of Brazil
-. Now, we are encouraging agencies to register in the system, which has today nearly five thousand active users, including government officials, academia, businesses and ordinary citizens – Heckert said
the SPB has several features, such as software catalog with search, page for each community lists. discussion, news, hit counter, collaborative development environment, space to report the use of software, benefiting people and resources saved, among others.
Examples economy
the solutions being developed and shared in SPB – as in Interlegis program, only this one is geared primarily to the legislature – represent savings resources often difficult to measure. But Heckert cites an example: only the Ministry of Agriculture failed to spend $ 6 million with a solution that would develop, but found the Portal. And only federal agencies, are 200 registered in the SPB.
Another example came from Santa Catarina, where a city had developed a school management system (grades, attendance, enrollment, distribution of students and teachers) that available, was adopted by the Government of the Federal District, 650 schools with nearly 450,000 students. Only in Brasilia, there was a savings of $ 91 million.
As such, there are several others, such as the system for daily control and passes the government or municipal government, or the electronic information system, we want to end the processing of paper. Most of them are focused on process efficiency and management and can be found and adopted by any public institution.
According to him, these innovations are available and attracted the attention of several countries. The Electronic Government of Latin America and the Caribbean is a group that you want to use the system, and other South American countries individually, such as Chile and Argentina, or even outside the continent.
The Coordination of Information Technology Interlegis informs you want, as soon as possible, incorporate into their environment the major improvements produced by the Ministry of Planning and the UNB in the original Collab software.
from the Interlegis press office
Senate Agency (may be reproduced provided the Senate Agency)