Friday, February 19, 2016

With software that analyzes DNA, IGP unveils 2013 crime in SC –

The Skills General Institute of Santa Catarina registered the first case of a positive genetic confrontation, using DNA samples taken from crime scenes. The technology allowed the IGP came to the conclusion about a robbery at ATM in Itaiópolisx in the state of North in 2013 (see video above).

A collection of genetic material found at a crime scene at the time, it was inserted into the state database of genetic profiles. The data crossing, the experts noted that the sample collected in Itaiópolis was compatible with another sample, collected also a crime scene in Paraná. Thus, it was concluded that the two cases have the same author.

“This result demonstrates how we may well employ the technology to solve cases in which is was not initially suspected to compare, since analysis DNA samples needs for comparison. The analysis of the bank is fast, now we can analyze the case in less than a week, “says Clineu Julien Seki Uehara, state coordinator of the Bank of Genetic Profiles SC.

The insertion of these criminals profiles Bank state of Santa Catarina began seven months ago. The program is managed by a software developed by the FBI and that many people know the famous series of criminal forensics. DNA analysis is an important tool for research and this technology can prove the innocence or suspected of guilt.

“Every crime scene is amenable to analysis for insertion of genetic profiles in Codis, only those materials biological they have to be related to the author. The materials are diverse: blood, semen in the case of a sexual crime, we may have saliva that the attacker may have left some glass at some utensil, “explains Seki Uehara

The most diverse. biological evidence found at crime scenes are stored indefinitely at a temperature that can reach minus 80 degrees. “The next steps would be to insert the convicted for heinous crimes, which is already in the law. They are required to provide the sample and possibly we could more resolutions crimes,” says state coordinator.


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