lacked a year to the turn of the century when two school friends decided to start a business. Paul Rego dedicated to environmental research and Pedro Coutinho to programs software . “It was bigotry, but started from a fact: laboratories where he worked had no useful tools . With the knowledge of Peter and what I already knew, we decided to move forward, “recalls Paul, CEO of Ambidata.
In the early years, between 1999 and 2001, have not had any activity. Paul’s contacts were important for assessing the needs of an emerging market: the technologies applied to research . At first, none of them was dedicated to the 100% company, but as of 2002, the prospects were other and more ambitious
Portugal:. Each request from a client is validated by other
“Rarely have developed something only our minds or has been proposed directly by a client. Ie never do anything just because the customer wants, “says Paul Rego. Each proposal for a customer is validated from other clients in order to confirm the viability of the process and ensure further reach of their work.
each company’s product allows you to integrate all the necessary information or resulting from laboratory research . “The idea was to always have a half-serving, half- software . This is how we have created and continue to develop the concept of the digital laboratory “explains Paul.
The technological development came validate the bet and globalization helped. According to Paul Rego, “ each solution is the same for all markets without the need for adaptation. The international certification standards are the same and what is valid in Portugal is also true in other countries. “
The customer portfolio in the domestic market have” strong weight of the public sector, “but there are many companies look for these solutions. “We work with the Portuguese Environment Agency, the ASAE, the [Institute] Ricardo Jorge and many laboratories in the hospital area. We also have customers in the industrial sector, such as Repsol and Petrogal. Just never had much interest or activity with clinical laboratories, “admits Paul.
To work with a lot so diverse, the company has 21 people. Between computer scientists and (chemical engineers, biologists, etc.), is a “half-half” division. The idea is that half the team “speak the same customer’s language”
Spain and Brazil:. Success and obstacles
In 15 years of activity, the company has He went through several phases. “In 2009 we faced a new challenge. The domestic market was too small and had two options: to diversify here within or seek new geographies “recalls Paul
The first step:. Spain . According to the CEO, they had a “great acceptance”. “We started soon to have major clients in the area of nuclear energy, water, cryopreservation … The Spaniards recognized the added value of the product.”
But the technical support was a difficulty. With ten customers in the whole of Spain (Galicia, Burgos, Andalusia, among other regions), it was difficult to make the necessary monitoring. So in 2012, created the Ambidata Spain . From here, the company earned group status, with headquarters in Vila Nova de Gaia and Madrid .
At the same time, turned to the other side of the Atlantic . According to Paul, “ betting in Brazil was strong, with 4, 5 and 6 Annual travel. But did not go well. “Commitments failed, little planning and a huge currency devaluation led to that already this year, the company has divested business with Brazilian laboratories.
Africa: reflections for the next three years
“Every three years we make a reflection of what is behind us and prepared the next time. In 2016-2018 we will enter a new cycle and have defined priorities, “anticipates Paulo. The enhanced internationalization will be one of them, with expectations of a boost up to 40% in business outside Portugal.
Spain remains an important market, but plan to “diversify channels, especially with the focus on Angola and Mozambique “. Between 2010 and 2013, the company has worked with some of the African countries where Portuguese is the official language, including Cape Verde. “In Angola, we have developed some specific projects. But we never had a real strategy to expand into Africa. Participated in events and did some training, “explains Paul. At this time, the goals are others:. There UN support for projects in African territory and, since the last quarter of 2014, the international dimension becomes even more relevant