Saturday, January 30, 2016

Software used in F-35 fighter jets have bugs – PCGuia

One of Michael Gilmore report, the Director of the Division Operational Test and Evaluation (OT & E) of the United States Department of Defense, lists problems that probably could lead to the postponement of the testing phase of new fighters F-35.

The report states that the software solution with the reference ‘Block 2B’, used in aircraft, have and will continue to have a few bugs to correct. However, the Joint Program Office authorities (JPO) do not give great importance to Michael Gilmore concerns.

The F-35B fighter, which will be delivered soon to the Marines of the United States, using the solution software ‘Block 2B’, which, according to Michael Gilmore, has “hundreds of deficiencies that have not been corrected.”

These deficiencies have multiplied in the new versions of the software and are the cause of the poor performance of electronic systems Aircraft observed during the development phase. The official also points the finger at the Joint Program Office (JPO) have added new features to buggy code to create the ‘Block 3F’ version that will be used on new F-35 fighters.

Via Ars Technica.


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