Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lava Jato: Meet the spy software used in the operation – Digital Look

If you think exaggeration or sometimes even doubt what you see in the best series and thrillers, will certainly be surprised with this solution used by the Federal Police in investigating the largest corruption scheme in Brazil – the Operation Lava jet. Convictions and arrests were possible and streamlined thanks to a forensic technology Israel for extraction and intelligent data analysis contained in the mobile phones of the suspects.

After the legal seizure of the device, once connected to this equipment, it is possible to complete extraction of all that is stored in the phone memory. The system is compatible with over 17 thousand kinds of devices, irrespective of the version of the operating system or manufacturer; the technology is capable of reading including counterfeit devices -. the famous Xing Ling with generic plates

Encryption and password are also no problems. Within minutes, the device breaks the most advanced levels of security and locking. A complete extraction can take up to five hours to complete, but massive amounts of data.

Information that has been previously deleted from the device are also found in the scan.

Technology It is used in over 60 countries by enforcement bodies, intelligence sectors, lawyers and legal agents. In addition to the federal police in Brazil, the FBI and even CIA are examples. The latest advance of the solution was beyond the information contained in smartphones. Today the equipment is able even to find credentials used on the device and access various storage services in the cloud to collect information.

The quality of extraction depends largely on the type and conditions that the seized device features, system operational and installed applications. But the Israeli company guarantees a success rate above 80%. All extraction is summed up in a single file that can be stored on a thumb drive or an external hard drive.

The second stage of the court system is even more amazing. The file generated in the extraction is read by a proprietary software that does a full analysis of all that was found in the device – including in online services. With a number of content analysis filters, the tool is smart to analyze and cross the information obtained in different applications. All that was done in the cell is identified and cataloged.

The data correlation can be made between up to 100 devices. All information and crossings are very visual. See, for example, the analysis of these three suspects. You can find the contacts they have in common, when they spoke to each other and using mobile GPS information, to identify when they were in the same place. Nothing escapes.

With the continuous advancement of technology and frantic, the big challenge is to keep updated solution, after the number of apps continues to grow and everything that is updated almost daily. But if there’s one more feature worth mentioning is that the data analysis features instant machine translation of 23 languages, and identify suspect words, the analysis software also creates a list of possible codes used in communications. Wants more?! Probably from now on you will attend the forensic series with different eyes.


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