Sunday, March 6, 2016

What is open source software? –

The Open Source is a term that refers to software whose code is available for download by anyone and a philosophy of creating applications geared for collaboration between developers.

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This is opposed to the default behavior of the software manufacturers, who do not usually release the code of their products so that they are not altered or copied without permission. The Open Source, on the other hand, relies on the help of others to evolve and solve problems.

Open Source Initiative

the body responsible for managing open source licenses is the NGO Open Source Initiative. One of the basic requirements to qualify is to provide the program’s source code, but this is not enough.

Some of the most important requirements are the free distribution program and permission to change the code, so that any developer can modify the software.

to prevent anyone to benefit from the work of others, the Open code provides that all works derived from a software license are required to keep it. This means that a programmer to change a program and create your own version will not be able to profit in this way.

The idea is to allow several different people to work in the program and make changes. The philosophy of the license is to treat all users as co-developers. .

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Open source or free software

the concept of open source is like the Free Software. The main difference is license details. Free Software in its definition is more restrictive. The concept assumes that the user to purchase the software, you have full freedom to do what you want, how to change the code, pass it or create a personal version.

The programs with free software license are used as free alternatives to proprietary software, but this does not mean they have fewer resources. One example is document editing suites like OpenOffice and LibreOffice , which can easily replace Microsoft Office.

the best known Open Source software is the operating system Linux . Its core, the kernel of the same name, is modified and can download from several groups of different programs, called distributions. The most popular are Debian (including the Ubuntu ), Fedora and openSUSE .

Open Source Initiative has a list ( with the licenses granted in Open Source, which include various types of software, including programming languages ​​like PHP and Python . Another famous software in open source is the Firefox browser.

Several private companies have licenses geared to specific products, such as Apple IBM , Microsoft, Motorola and NASA . Several applications responsible for making the Internet work are also Open Source, as the Apache and PostgreSQL .

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